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Harvest Moon: Skytree Village

Harvest Moon The Lost Valley Skytree Village Cozy Bundle

January 28: Not one, but two classic Harvest Moon games have been announced for Nintendo Switch with The Lost Valley and Skytree Village on the way as part of Natsume’s Cozy Bundle. They’ll be available this summer.

Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley and Skytree Village previously debuted on Nintendo 3DS. For the Nintendo Switch versions, both games will be included on a single cartridge and with all DLC.

Below are overviews for both games:

Harvest Moon: Skytree Village players in Europe now have access to four new downloadable content packs. Two are free, and two are paid.

The free Farm Decorations Set contains sixteen new customization items, walls and decorations. The Harvest Sprite Statue Set can be downloaded for free as well, and has five new customization items including a Harvest Goddess-themed pergola and a Harvest Sprite statue.

The paid DLC packs are the New Female NPC Set and New Male NPC / Statue Set. Both are priced at €3.99 / £3.99 each. The female DLC offers new bachelorette Nova and a statue of Doc the Inventor while the male DLC features new bachelor Edmond and a statue of the Harvest goddess.

Here’s a rundown of the new marriage candidates:

Harvest Moon: Skytree Village has received another new patch. Upon updating your game, it’ll be at version 2.00.

Natsume says of the patch:

*The Harvest God and the Harvest Goddess have gotten together and used their magical power to ease the severity of all storms and other conditions which are damaging to crops.
*If you haven’t already grabbed Patch 1.02, all of the changes from the previous patch are now rolled into Patch 2.00 – just one download needed for all the fixes.


Natsume announced three new DLC packs for Harvest Moon: Skytree Village today. Players can nab new bachelor and bachelorette character packs on January 24, followed by a Harvest Sprite Statue on February 14.

Here’s the full rundown:

“The new male marriageable candidate is Edmond, a grand mage, who trained both Gareth and Tabitha, and whose knowledge of the world far exceeds either of them. Despite this, he is rather calm and introspective in comparison to the slightly arrogant Gareth and boisterous Tabitha. He has returned to the land of the Harvest Goddess after some time, but what brought him back? Is there some sort of deeper secret he hides within? Also included in this DLC is a statue of the beautiful Harvest Goddess!

The new female marriageable candidate is Nova, a kind and strong-willed girl who showed up in Skytree Village, yet how she got there is a bit of a tale in itself. Her father is a human from the surface world, while her mother is of the tribe of Gorgan from the Underworld Kingdom. Since she was raised in the dark and damp underground mines of the Underworld, the surface world is still a bit strange and confusing to her. Help her learn the ways of the surface dwellers! This DLC also includes a statue of the eccentric creator, Doc!

Available on February 14th, for free, players can beautify their farm with this fantastic DLC set featuring the Harvest Sprite Statue and Harvest Goddess’ Pergola! Once downloaded, these two new buildings will be added to players’ Insta-Buildings list. What’s more, the Harvest Goddess’ Pergola comes in a variety of different colors!”

For those looking for DLC right now, the Farm Decorations Set is available for free, adding new types of walls.

As for the upcoming content, the New Male and Female Character sets will cost $2.99 each. The Harvest Sprite Statue and Harvest Goddess Pergola will be free.

Source: Natsume PR

Natsume has brought out a new patch for Harvest Moon: Skytree Village. After applying version 1.01, changes to Dean’s fertilizer stock will be implemented, plus more. Natsume is also paving the way for upcoming DLC.

The full patch notes for version 1.1 are as follows:

Harvest Moon is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. In an annual note from Natsume president Hiro Maekawa, it was teased that “a few surprises” are in store for the occasion.

Harvest Moon: Skytree Village ended up on 3DS towards the end of last year. Maekawa says the game performed “extremely well” from a physical and digital standpoint.

River City: Tokyo Rumble also came out for 3DS last year. “Fans have been extremely appreciative to us for bringing back this cult classic, and hopefully we will be able to do more in the future,” Maekawa mentioned.

You can read Maekawa’s full message here.

Amazon is now offering the Harvest Moon: Skytree Village plushie bundles. Specifically, you can pick up the Bluebird bundle for $39.99 or the Bobcat package for $49.99. The latter one will ship on November 26.

Natsume cautions fans on Twitter that quantities for both versions are limited. In that case, they may not be up for very long.



Siliconera caught up with Harvest Moon: Skytree Village producer Taka Maekawa to chat about the 3DS game. The full interview is located here, but there are a few excerpts worth highlighting.

Regarding feedback from Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley used to improve Skytree Village, Maekawa said:

“We have some loyal and dedicated fans that have been playing Harvest Moon for years and years, so we truly value the feedback we get. It’s hard to narrow down what we are most proud of to just one thing, since there are tons of new features and improvements. We tweaked, improved, and added to all sorts of areas in Harvest Moon: Skytree Village. Such as redesigning the UI menu, making the character controls more responsive, adding a rich and robust story, and new character designs and models. And let’s not forget about the new addition of the Poitou Donkey! There’s just too many features we’re proud of to just pick one.”

Maekawa also shared the following about secrets within the game:

“Fundamentally, all Harvest Moon games are repetitive by nature, so it is extremely important to have a variety of things in the game that keep it new and fresh to drive you to keep playing and moving forward. So, yes, there are all sorts of secrets in the game, some big, some small. I would tell you what they are, but that would ruin the surprise!”

Another Harvest Moon game in the pipeline is Seeds of Memories. It’s out on mobile, but the Wii U and PC versions are still not available. Regarding these releases, Maekawa said: “We hope to be able to talk about them as things become more final!”


Now that Harvest Moon: Skytree Village is out in North America, we have a good look at the game. View 30 minutes of gameplay below.

Natsume has shared another official Harvest Moon: Skytree Village video, this time showing the terraforming feature. View it below.

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