[Preview] Fashion Dreamer – PAX West 2023
Posted on 1 year ago by Nicholas Serpa in Previews, Switch | 0 comments
It’s a bit mind-boggling to think about, but somehow the Switch has gone its entire lifespan so far without receiving a Style Savvy game from Nintendo, despite getting three great titles in the series on the 3DS. Fortunately for fashion fans, XSEED Games and Marvelous are bringing a spiritual successor of sorts to the platform with Fashion Dreamer, a Switch exclusive that represents something of a new approach to the genre, emphasizing freeform play and social sharing in ways that just wouldn’t have been possible during the 3DS era.
More: Fashion Dreamer, highlight, marvelous, Syn Sophia, top, XSEED Games
5 lighthearted indies we demoed for Switch at PAX West 2023
Posted on 1 year ago by Nicholas Serpa in Previews, Switch | 0 comments
We played more games at PAX West this year than we have time to feature individually, but there were a ton of little surprises we had the chance to try that we’re looking forward to seeing on Switch. If you’re looking for some low-key games to unwind to after a busy day, here are five chill and relaxing games to keep an eye on!
How to upgrade your tools, Critter Net, Fishing Rod, Magic Staff in Fae Farm
Posted on 1 year ago by Dawn in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
In this guide for Fae Farm we’ll tell you how to upgrade your tools and other equipment, including your Fishing Rod, Critter Net, and Magic Staff, so you’ll be able to more efficiently carry out your daily tasks as you dive deeper into the mysteries of Azoria.
More: Fae Farm, highlight, Phoenix Labs, top
[Interview] Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster producer on the return of the GameCube classics
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Interviews, Switch | 0 comments
We recently had the chance to speak with Koji Nakajima, the producer of Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster. These classic RPGs originally launched during the GameCube era, and are now making a comeback after roughly two decades.
Nakajima spoke with us about why Baten Kaitos is returning now, what it was like working on the remasters, support from Monolith Soft, and more. You can read our full interview below.
[Preview] Star Ocean: The Second Story R – PAX West 2023
Posted on 1 year ago by Nicholas Serpa in Previews, Switch | 0 comments
As someone new to the Star Ocean series, I had heard so many different opinions on the series over the years that I’d always been curious about jumping in, but not quite sure where to start. Well, apparently the second game in the franchise is regarded by many fans as one of the best, so I was really excited when Star Ocean: The Second Story R was revealed in a recent Nintendo Direct (alongside a jaw-dropping new art style). I was able to demo this remake at PAX West 2023, and left with an extremely positive first impression; exciting combat, old-school strategic depth and outstanding production values are all lining up to make this one of my most anticipated RPGs.
[Let’s Talk] What are you playing? – September 2023
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk | 0 comments
A new month started up last week. Now that we’re in September, we want to know what you’ve been playing.
Are you digging into Sea of Stars? How about some of the other recent releases like Blasphemous II, Red Dead Redemption, Quake II, and Bomb Rush Cyberfunk? No matter the case, let us know in the comments below.
Fae Farm gold grinding and making big money
Posted on 1 year ago by Dawn in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
To help cut back on the gold grinding in Fae Farm, we’ve written a guide to tell you how you can earn thousands of florins within a single day with little effort. All of this can be done within the first few hours of starting the story.
More: Fae Farm, highlight, Phoenix Labs, top
Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster dev says sequel not currently planned
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GameCube, News, Switch | 0 comments
Bandai Namco is finally bringing back the Baten Kaitos series with remasters of the original GameCube games, but it sounds like there aren’t plans for a new entry entirely at the moment.
We asked producer Koji Nakajima about the possibility of a sequel during our recent interview. Regarding that, he shared the following with us:
[Preview] Thank Goodness You’re Here – PAX West 2023
Posted on 1 year ago by Nicholas Serpa in Previews, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Sometimes, a game enters your life that is just so strange and charismatic that, even if you don’t quite fully understand it, you can’t help but smile and love it. That basically sums up how I felt after recently demoing Thank Goodness You’re Here, an upcoming comedy adventure game that feels like a Cartoon Network show come to life in all the best ways.
More: Coal Supper, highlight, Panic, Thank Goodness You're Here, top
Atari’s upcoming slate of games makes old favorites new again
Posted on 1 year ago by Nicholas Serpa in Features, Switch | 0 comments
Gaming preferences develop from many different origins – the games you played at your neighbor’s house growing up, the ones you received at Christmas and on birthdays – but being born in the late nineties, Atari games were never in my rotation. That’s probably because for what felt like years, the company’s output was relatively minimal compared to the early days of the storied company. Their franchises remain iconic, though; I’d wager just about everyone knows what Pong at least is, even if they’ve never played it. That inherent familiarity is powerful, and Atari’s upcoming slate of games capitalizes on it; they’re taking old favorites and finding ways to refresh them into something exciting for modern audiences.