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Intelligent Systems

In the most recent issue of Nintendo Dream, the Japanese magazine published a massive Fire Emblem: Three Houses developer interview. Directors Genki Yokota (Nintendo) and Toshiyuki Kusakihara (Intelligent Systems) weighed in on various topics concerning the Switch game.

At one point of the discussion, it’s revealed that Claude is “a false name.” The Golden Deer leader should actually be known as “Khalid”, according to Kusakihara.

Here’s our translation of the excerpt:

Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 2 has returned in Fire Emblem Heroes. 5-star Heroes who showed up before the start of Book II appear as focus Heroes, and the focus lineup changes each week.

You’ll be able to partake in Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 2 until March 29.

Summoning Focus: Heroes with Aerobatics has arrived as the latest event in Fire Emblem Heroes. Heroes with the Aerobatics skill are featured here. Such characters can move to a space adjacent to any infantry, armored, or cavalry ally within two spaces.

Summoning Focus: Heroes with Aerobatics will be live until March 27.

The latest Tempest Trials+ event is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. Full-Bloom Bout will run from today till March 30. The big rewards this time are a 5-star Bartre: Earsome Warrior and Def Feint 1 and Death Blow 1 seals.

A new Bound Hero Battle has gone live in Fire Emblem Heroes. It features two of the main characters from Fire Emblem: Three Houses – Edelgard and Dimitri. Challenge them at various difficulty levels to earn orbs. The Bound Hero Battle will be available until March 30.

A Summoning Focus themed around the Bound Hero Battle has also gone live will similarly be available until March 30. The 5-star focus units are Edelgard: The Future, Dimitri: The Protector and Claude: The Schemer.

Finally, since it’s Thursday, Tactics Drills has been updated. The new map “Masking Dragons” can be found in the Skill Studies section; clearing it gets you one orb.

Check out the latest events to come to Fire Emblem Heroes below:

  • Sharena added more Hero intros to Meet Some of the Heroes! This time, Idunn: Dragonkin Duo, Est: Springtime Flier, Fir: Student of Spring, Narcian: Vernal General, and Bartre: Earsome Warrior have been added.
  • A new Tempest Trials+ event, Full-Bloom Bout, will begin Mar. 20, 12 AM PT. Clear event maps to earn rewards such as 5★ Special Hero Bartre: Earsome Warrior and two Sacred Seals: Def Feint 1 and Death Blow 1! You can also earn Divine Codes (Ephemera 3)!
  • Check out the bonus allies for the Tempest Trials+: Full-Bloom Bout event! Bonus allies get increased HP and stats and earn double experience and SP in battle—and they grant you a score bonus! It’s the perfect time to build up these characters!
  • Summoning Focus: Tempest Trials+ is here! Idunn: Dark Priestess, Fae: Divine Dragon, and Bartre: Fearless Warrior are featured as part of a 5★ summoning focus. Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are gearing up for the next Fire Emblem Heroes summoning event. Familial Festivities will feature Est, Fir, Narcian, and Idunn as a duo. A new Paralogue Story is also planned.

Familial Festivities goes live in Fire Emblem Heroes on March 18. View a trailer for the event below.

Special Heroes who celebrate the spring festival will soon appear in Fire Emblem Heroes. Players will also be able to take advantage of a Log-In Bonus to celebrate the coming of these Special Heroes. Do you recognize any of the Heroes in the silhouettes?

Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 1 has returned in Fire Emblem Heroes. 5-star Heroes who showed up before the start of Book II appear as focus Heroes, and the focus lineup changes each week.

You’ll be able to partake in Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 1 until March 22.

Here are the latest updates for Fire Emblem Heroes:

  • A three-army battle between Leif, Finn and Nanna is about to unfold! Grand Conquests starts Mar. 14, 4 AM PT! Earn Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) and exchange them for Limited-Time Combat Manuals of your favorite Heroes! Tap Events and then Grand Conquests to pre-register!
  • A new map, A Lesson Well Taut, is now available in Tactics Drills: Grandmaster! Check it out in Story Maps to test your skills! (You must complete Book I, Chapter 13 of the main story to take on Grandmaster maps.)

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