Treasurenauts cancelled for Nintendo 3DS, coming to Nintendo Switch instead
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS eShop, News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
It’s been years since we’ve heard anything about Treasurenauts, the action platformer developed by Atooi. In a recent video update, Jools Watsham has revealed that development for the game is actually still ongoing. However, development has now shifted from the Nintendo 3DS to the Nintendo Switch because, according to Watsham, the handheld is not a fruitful market for indie developers:
Treasurenauts … that’s progressing really well – yes, we’re still making it, yes – it’s going to come out eventually. It will definitely, of course, be on the Switch, along with other platforms – not the 3DS, though, unfortunately, because it’s just not a market that is particularly fruitful for indie developers.
More: Atooi, Jools Watsham, Treasurenauts
Renegade Kid co-founders on shutting down the studio, updates on future plans
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 6 Comments
Earlier today, Renegade Kid co-founders Gregg Hargrove and Jools Watsham announced the closer of the studio. The two will now be in charge of their own companies, Infitizmo and Atooi respectively.
Speaking about the decision to close Renegade Kid, Watsham said:
“The video game industry has changed a lot in the past 10 years that we’ve been developing games as Renegade Kid. From the very beginning, it has always been a challenge to secure partnerships with publishers to fund the development of original games, and since the advent of self-publishing – when digital distribution became more mainstream – it has shifted our business model towards becoming more dependent on revenue instead of seeking funding from publishing partners.
As such, it has been a great financial challenge and an extreme workload for the entire team to maintain a balance between cash flow, staying competitive with our games, and spending quality time with our families and friends. Couple these realities with the desire to achieve personal goals, Gregg and I came to the difficult decision to each pursue solo ventures and close Renegade Kid.
Starting fresh with small, lean teams enables us both to focus more on less moving parts and potentially achieve better success. It puts both Atooi and Infitizmo in more advantageous positions.”
Renegade Kid may be gone, but the developer’s franchises are not. Hargrove is holding onto the 3D titles while Watsham will own the 2D franchises. Watsahm says Treasurenauts will launch next year (with news coming “very soon”), and a new game will be announced this week. Meanwhile, Hargrove mentioned that he “would love to explore Cult County.” He also stated that he would like “to expand on both Moon and Dementium in the future and there is a new mystery project in the works for the near future.”
More: Atooi, Gregg Hargrove, indie, Infitizmo, interview, Jools Watsham, Renegade Kid
Renegade Kid is no more, co-founders now in charge of their own studios
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 9 Comments
Renegade Kid is no more. The studio’s co-founders, Jools Watsham and Gregg Hargrove, have decided to end their partnership of creating games together after ten years.
Watsham and Hargrove will now go in different directions. Watsham will be making games at Atooi while Hargrove will be at Infitizmo. Atooi will acquire the rights to all Renegade Kid 2D games, which encompasses the likes of Mutant Mudds and Treasurenauts. Meanwhile, Infitizmo will own the 3D series such as Dementium and Moon Chronicles.
In today’s announcement, it’s mentioned that Watsham and Hargrove’s “friendship and respect for each other” remains “very much intact”.
More: Gregg Hargrove, indie, Jools Watsham, Renegade Kid
Renegade Kid talks Dementium Remastered improvements
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 3 Comments
Dementium: The Ward originally launched on DS back in October 2007. Later this year, the game will be available on the 3DS eShop with several improvements in the form of Dementium Remastered.
Here’s what Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham says players can look forward to with the new version:
“New gameplay difficulty options include Normal, Hard, and Demented. We’ve added a manual save system (adopted from Dementium II). Enemies no longer respawn; a dead zombie stays dead! A lot of time and attention has been spent on increasing texture resolution, adding specular, detail, and normal maps to enemies and environments. Cut-scenes have all been re-rendered using new remastered enemy/environment art (not autostereoscopic 3D, though, to save on ROM size)”
You can get a look at Dementium Remastered’s new title screen above. If you use the QR code with your 3DS, you can view it in 3D.
Possibility of Dementium III depends on how the remastered versions are received
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 1 Comment
Renegade Kid is currently working on bringing the original two Dementium games to 3DS. The studio has interest in making a third entry, but that doesn’t mean it’s a sure thing to happen.
Speaking with GameSkinny, Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham said that the studio has “wanted to develop Dementium III for many years.” However, since a project would “require a huge investment in time and money”, we’ll only be seeing the game if the remastered versions perform well.
Watsham said:
“We have wanted to develop Dementium III for many years. Dementium III will require a huge investment in time and money, so it will depend on how well Dementium Remastered and Dementium II Remastered are received in the 3DS market.”
More: Dementium, interview, Jools Watsham, Renegade Kid
Renegade Kid focusing entirely on Treasurenauts once Mutant Mudds Super Challenge is done
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 4 Comments
Treasurenauts was announced over two years ago, yet the 3DS eShop game still has yet to be released. Those who are interested in the title can at least rest easy knowing that Renegade Kid will soon be shifting its full effort to the project. According to co-founder Jools Watsham, the team will be focusing entirely on Treasurenauts once Mutant Mudds Super Challenge is completed.
Watsham wrote on Twitter a couple of minutes ago:
.@GHamsacker We will be focusing on Treasurenauts development immediately after MMSC is completed. 🙂
— Jools Watsham (@JoolsWatsham) June 22, 2015
More: indie, Jools Watsham, Renegade Kid, Treasurenauts
Xeodrifter coming to Wii U
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
Xeodrifter is making its way to Wii U, Renegade Kid has revealed.
During a “Class vs Crass” episode on Nintendo Enthusiast, studio co-founder Jools Watsham announced the news. Watsham didn’t share any specific details, but indicated that it won’t take long to complete. He also suggested that there will be a cross-buy offer of some sorts.
Xeodrifter originally hit the North America 3DS eShop last December. In Europe, it’s expected out on June 18.
More: indie, Jools Watsham, Renegade Kid
Dementium Remastered is one full game, not episodic
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 4 Comments
With Moon Chronicles, Renegade Kid toyed around with episodic content for the first time. However, Dementium Remastered will not be following a similar pay model.
Writing on Twitter, Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham noted that the 3DS remake will not be sold as an episodic game:
.@cmacarilla Dementium Remastered will be a full game. No episodic shenanigans. 🙂
— Jools Watsham (@JoolsWatsham) April 28, 2015
In other Renegade Kid news, you can watch a new vlog from Watsham below that covers the studio’s upcoming projects.
Renegade Kid, KnapNok, Yacht Club, and 13AM talk about the lack of innovative GamePad usage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 3 Comments
The Wii U GamePad is a perfectly fine controller, but it’d be tough to argue that developers have tapped into its potential. Even Nintendo has not yet produced a string of titles that truly show what it’s capable of. For the most part, titles we’ve seen thus far use the GamePad for off-TV play or as a map.
NintendoWorldReport reached out to four indie developers as part of a new article that touches on the lack of proper GamePad usage. You can find a collection of their comments below.
Renegade Kid’s Jools Watsham
“Nintendo helps promote…as much as the game helps to promote the innovative qualities of the Wii U.”
“If you’re going to dedicate your time and effort to taking advantage of the unique features of the Wii U, you need for it to pay off in sales if you’re going to be able to continue making games for a living.”
“The GamePad is clearly not the revolution that the Wii Remote was. There, I said it.”
“The Wii U never lived up to its own potential, even from its creators. You have to lead [by] example, and Nintendo are the kings of doing this, but they failed to deliver with the Wii U in terms of utilizing their own platform, which has resulted in a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
“It’s not like the Wii U has failed gamers in a general sense, but in regards to how well the GamePad has been utilized, overall [it] has unfortunately been somewhat of a failure. And that is Nintendo’s burden to bear.”
Renegade Kid working on getting Xeodrifter rated in Europe
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
We have a bit of good news for those who are awaiting Xeodrifter from outside of North America. According to Renegade Kid’s Jools Watsham, the team is currently submitting its game to the different ratings boards across Europe. A release date hasn’t been determined, but Xeodrifter should be on the European eShop sooner rather than later.
Watsham’s tweet reads:
FYI: We are actively in the process of submitting @Xeodrifter to the various age rating boards for a release in EU.
— Jools Watsham (@JoolsWatsham) March 27, 2015