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Nintendo has confirmed yet another new title for Europe. Little Battlers eXperience is releasing in November, the company has announced. As previously mentioned, it’s heading to North America on August 21.

Watch an animated trailer for Little Battlers eXperience below.

The upcoming Yo-Kai Watch spinoff, Yo-Kai Watch Busters, from Level-5 has a new TV commercial out! You can check out the spot below:

During Level-5’s “Vision” event in March, a few new 3DS games were announced. One of these was Yo-Kai Sangokushi, which is a new collaboration title in partnership with Koei Tecmo.

This week’s issue of Famitsu has an interview with Koei Tecmo Games head Hisashi Koinuma. As expected, Yo-Kai Sangokushi was one of the things the magazine asked about.

Famitsu starts off by mentioning that he surprised by the fact that Yo-Kai Sangokushi is a collaborative title between Yo-Kai Watch and Romance of the Three Kingdoms. This led Koinuma to say:

Romance of the Three Kingdoms has its 30th anniversary in 2015, so everyone in the company is excited. I think Yo-Kai Sangokushi is a fitting title to adorn the 30th anniversary. I’m especially happy that Level-5 president Akihiro Hino likes Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Level-5 uploaded a ton of videos from its Vision event that was held in Japan last week. We’ve included one above, though you can check out more here.


When Level-5 initially mentioned Fantasy Life 2, most fans assumed that it would be on the 3DS just like the original game. So it was certainly surprising to see at the Level-5 Vision 2015 event on Tuesday that the title is being developed for mobile devices instead.

This week’s issue of Famitsu has an interview with Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino, and the magazine was also surprised by the change in platforms for the Fantasy Life series. Responding to this, Hino said:

I’d say Fantasy Life has elements and mechanisms which adults find soothing. Although children play games on dedicated game systems, recently many adults have been playing on smartphones.

Hino also mentioned that “The supported hardware for this game was decided based on thinking of an environment where more adults play.”

That may not have been the response that 3DS owners would have liked to hear, but it’s somewhat of an explanation as to why Fantasy Life 2 isn’t on Nintendo’s portable system. We’ll just have to hope that the IP will one day make a return to dedicated gaming hardware!

It appears Level-5’s latest entry in the Inazuma Eleven franchise is coming to Europe, according to a recent trademark filing. When an official announcement is made, we’ll have it right here on the site.

Inazuma Eleven Go: Galaxy was released in Japan in late 2013 and is the sequel to Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone.

Source, Via

Yo-Kai Watch 3 details

Posted on 9 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 12 Comments

Level-5 unleashed a bunch of details about Yo-Kai Watch 3 as part of today’s announcement. You can find them rounded up below.

– Takes place in St. Peanutsburg
– This is a town located somewhere in the United States of America
– Keita moves there after his father is transferred overseas
– St. Peanutsburg has Yo-kai just like Sakura New Town
– Keita will see a number of “American Yo-kai” here
– Their looks and abilities will have an “American” feel
– Dasocks: the redundancy Yo-kai; snake, has two legs with a sock on each; when he possesses someone, they’ll always say a word too many when speaking
– Pinto Corn: never seems to understand anything that’s said to him, and his eyes are always distant; when he possesses someone, they, too, tend to say things of little importance and have a dubious grasp of what all is going on; has a habit of saying, “Huh? I don’t get it.”
– Nikuyaki: middle-aged Yo-kai who loves to eat meat; when he possesses someone, they’ll randomly begin treating people to barbecue.
– New heroine character is Inaho Misora
– Inaho’s ghost pal is USA-Pyon
– USA-Pyon (voiced by Kotori Shigemoto): Jibanyan and Koma-san-grade main Yo-kai
– USA Pyon pretends to be tough and often brags, but hates being alone in his lonely shop
– Much like Koma-san ends his phrases with “zura,” USA-Pyon has a similar “dani” phrase
– USA Pyon met with NASU (the game’s spoof of NASA) doctor Pyuri and was one of the first small animals supposed to go into space
– Inaho Misora (voiced by Aoi Yuki): acknowledges herself as “a bit of an otaku”
– Inaho is shy and does not speak to others much as school
– Inaho isn’t a particularly dark personality-wise, but has a tough time with school
– As an overly avid TV watcher, she’s also easily influenced by many things
– She loves sci-fi and is obsessed with the thought that everyone at her school might be possessed by aliens without even realizing it
– She has a mother, father, and younger brother name Riku
– Inaho has various classmates
– Yuuka Ishinomori: Inaho’s childhood friend; they have a relationship where they can discuss various things
– Yuuka is not an otaku
– Kirara Hoshikaze: girl who comes from a rich family and is always followed by her two escorts
– Inaho’s story is focused in Sakura New Town, Japan
– Inaho’s story is a Yo-kai detective team-like story, while Keita’s is about settling the trouble-making of Yo-kai in a foreign country
– Yo-Kai Watch U Prototype introduced for the game
– This has a surprise feature
– It’s compatible with “American Medals”
– At least 3 large updates for the game
– Will eventually be pushed to version 4.0


Layton 7 was first announced in 2013. At the time, it was slated for 3DS in addition to mobile platforms.

Layton 7 finally resurfaced today at Level-5 Vision 2015, but as a much different title. It’s now all about cards, a plot in which players must locate vampires among a crowd, and a 3DS is no longer planned. That being said, a Nintendo version hasn’t been ruled out.

Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino has said that he would like to bring Layton 7 to Wii U. Whether that interest pans out remains to be seen.


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