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We heard not too long ago that Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes would be getting a brand new opening cinematic. That update has now gone live, and the video can be seen in-game. If you have yet to see it, we have it below – and it includes a pretty big revelation.

Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes has received a new update. After applying version 1.0.1, players will be able to access New Game+ mode. All skills and character levels can be carried over.

Have you completed Spicy Mode? If so, you’ll also be able to access new t-shirts. Finally, “several bugs have been fixed to ensure the smoothest gameplay experience possible.”


If you happen to reach the ending of Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, something interesting will happen. It’s tough to go into any sort of detail without spoiling anything, but what players see was enough for Kotaku to ask director Suda51 about it.

He shared the following comment:

New DLC has been announced for Fate/Extella Link. In addition to Attila Larva as the latest character, more chibi PuniPuni models will be added.

Here’s a video promoting the news:

Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes has a ton of different collaboration t-shirts in the game. We even just found out right before launch that there’s one based on Zelda: Majora’s Mask.

Grasshopper Manufacture actually isn’t done adding t-shirts, despite the fact that the game is out. Director Suda51 has revealed that “the first run” of Legendary designs will be coming in February. The first one, pictured above, confirms that one will be for Jet Set Radio.


Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes has finally launched on Switch, and director Suda51 made a little thank you message to celebrate. Check it out below.


Grasshopper Manufacture has announced that an update for Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes is coming next week. Called the “Day 7 Patch”, it’ll add a new opening movie.

As the name implies, it should be going live in exactly one week. We’ll share the new video when it’s been added in.

Source: Grasshopper Manufacture PR

With Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes finally landing on the Switch, Grasshopper Manufacture has published an official launch trailer.

As expected, the video highlights all the different types of gameplay that are present within the game. Make sure to view the footage below.

Marvelous has once again published a new trailer for Altria Pendragon. Get a look at a video focusing on Altria Pendragon below.

We’ve long heard about the connections between Travis Strikes Again and No More Heroes 3. But in the game, there’s one section in particular that seems to tease the series’ future. Spoilers may follow beyond this point.

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