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More footage is in of Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games on 3DS. Check out the latest gameplay below.

3DS gamers with Japanese systems are starting to get their hands on Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Get a look at the title’s opening and various footage below.

SEGA has gone live with the first English 7th Dragon III Code: VFD trailer. In the new video, posted below, the publisher showcases the role dragons play in the game. Hint: they’re bad news!

It’s been announced that SEGA 3D Classics Collection will come with a special bonus at launch. All pre-orders and first-print copies will include the SEGA Classics Decal Sheet item, which is pictured above. It features nine SEGA logos and console stickers.

Source: SEGA PR

Today, Polygon published a massive piece about Sonic’s history. The site chronicled the series’ early times all the way up through Rise of Lyric as well as the future (in general terms).

We highly suggest giving the full article a read here if you’re a fan of Sonic. But after the break, you can find a breakdown of comments from Big Red Button CEO and co-founder Bob Rafei about Rise of Lyric as well as other comments from SEGA about the franchise.

The 3DS version of Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games will be released in Japan pretty soon, on February 18th. 4Gamer just published some new screenshots ahead of the game’s reason – check them out in the gallery below:

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Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games on 3DS can now be pre-loaded on the Japanese eShop. To do so, users will need 4948 blocks of free space.


Nintendo has a couple of new commercials up to promote the upcoming launch of Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games on 3DS in Japan. Check them out below.

Update: Here’s a comparison of the North American and Japanese boxarts:


SEGA is localizing 7th Dragon III Code: VFD, the company announced today. The game is due out in North America this summer for $39.99 / CA$54.99. It’ll be sold both physically and digitally.

7th Dragon III is actually the first game in the series to be sold overseas. That being said, SEGA notes that the story is comprehensive, so no prior knowledge of the series is necessary.

We’ve included the first western trailer below. You can also find a bunch of game information after the break.

Did legendary music artist Michael Jackson contribute to Sonic the Hedgehog 3’s soundtrack? That question has long been something that no one has been able to answer with absolute certainty. However, a new article from may finally clear up the situation.

The Huffington Post reached out to several songwriters who were involved with Sonic 3. Brad Buxer, Doug Grigsby III, and Cirocco Jones all claim that Jackson did indeed work with them on the game’s music. Not only that, but the three men also say that these tunes ended up in the final game.

Here’s the notable excerpt from The Huffington Post’s piece:

“Sega maintains it never worked with Jackson on Sonic 3, and is “not in the position to respond” to questions about allegations to the contrary. “We have nothing to comment on the case,” the company said.

But the men whom Sega credited with writing the music say otherwise. Six men — Brad Buxer, Bobby Brooks, Doug Grigsby III, Darryl Ross, Geoff Grace and Cirocco Jones — are listed as songwriters in Sonic 3’s endgame scroll. Buxer, Grigsby and Jones tell The Huffington Post that Jackson worked with them on a soundtrack for Sonic 3 — and that the music they created with Jackson ended up in the final product.”

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