Koizumi: Switch supports bluetooth headsets, jack port usable in docked mode, hints at GameCube VC
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 51 Comments
French outlet Melty recently had the chance to interview Yoshiaki Koizumi and Shinya Takahashi, who provided them with quite a few new details on the Switch.
First of all, while we already knew for a while that the Switch uses Bluetooth in some way, Koizumi now confirmed that the Switch is compatible with Bluetooth headsets – and that’s not all, as they (and regular wired headsets) can be used even when the Switch is in docked mode.
More: Shinya Takahashi, Yoshiaki Koizumi
Koizumi, Takahashi, Bill Trinen spotted at Nintendo New York, 1-2-Switch footage from event
Posted on 8 years ago by Zack in News, Switch | 8 Comments
Several important Nintendo figures were spotted at the Nintendo New York store recently, likely attending the private event that has been occurring since yesterday. Among those attending are Yoshiaki Koizumi, Shinya Takahashi and Bill Trinen. You can view some footage from the event below, along with the various Twitter and Instagram posts that the gang appeared in.
Nintendo – third-party Switch announcements coming, price and power, online service, 3DS games in 2018, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Switch | 41 Comments
The Telegraph has put up a pretty lengthy interview with Nintendo’s Yoshiaki Koizumi and Shinya Takahashi all about Switch. Topics include third-parties, talk of the system’s price and power, paid online service, and more. Additionally, we hear some comments that Nintendo is planning 3DS games for 2018.
Notable excerpts from the interview can be found below. For the full interview, head on over to The Telegraph.
More: interview, Shinya Takahashi, top, Yoshiaki Koizumi
Kimishima and Takahashi on whether the 3DS and Switch can coexist
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News, Switch | 26 Comments
At the Q&A session at Nintendo’s latest Corporate Management Policy Briefing, one of the questions was about whether or not the Switch and the 3DS can coexist and the Switch’s role as a portable device. The question was answered by company president Tatsumi Kimishima and Shinya Takahashi (Director, Managing Executive Officer, General Manager of Nintendo’s Entertainment Planning and Development Division).
Q: How do you plan to make it so that Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch will coexist in the marketplace? And, if the users start recognizing Nintendo Switch as a portable gaming device and using it as such, will it make sense for the company to release a next-generation portable game device?
A: Kimishima:
As for your question on the Nintendo 3DS, we believe it can coexist with Nintendo Switch for the time being. Nintendo 3DS is a different system from Nintendo Switch in terms of its shape, weight, price and the types and number of available software titles. From this perspective, I believe parents will opt to choose Nintendo 3DS as their children?s first video game system. So we recognize that Nintendo 3DS as a portable game device meets different needs and fits different markets than Nintendo Switch, and we will keep this recognition in mind as we consider the future of our dedicated portable video game business.
More: Shinya Takahashi, Tatsumi Kimishima, top
Miyamoto, Takahashi and Takeda on Switch’s third-party support, ease of porting, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 4 Comments
Nintendo has just published a translated transcript of the Q&A session at their latest Corporate Management Policy Briefing.
The following question is about Nintendo’s third party relations regarding the Switch, how Nintendo’s own internal development teams are handling it and Nintendo partnering up with NVIDIA. The question was answered by Shinya Takashi (Director, Managing Executive Officer, General Manager of Nintendo’s Entertainment Planning and Development Division), Shigeru Miyamoto (Director, Creative Fellow) and Genyo Takeda (Director, Technology Fellow).
Q: I believe that inadequate third-party support for the platform (and the lack of compatible software as a result) was the big issue for Wii U. Mr. Takeda just mentioned that Nintendo Switch is a high-performance system. From that viewpoint, I would like to know how third-party publishers are viewing Nintendo Switch. Also, how are Nintendo?s internal developers appreciating Nintendo Switch and what kind of development direction are they taking in creating software for it? Also, what has technically been done for the system in order to realize the high performance of GeForce while managing the power consumption?
More: Genyo Takeda, Shigeru Miyamoto, Shinya Takahashi, top
Nintendo on Switch – bridging portables / consoles, meeting third-parties, balancing fun and graphics, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 83 Comments
TIME has posted a lengthy interview with Nintendo director Shinya Takahashi and Switch producer Yoshiaki Koizumi about the company’s brand new console. There were lots of interesting comments here, such as how it can be a means of bridging portables / consoles and striking a balance between fun and graphics. The two also spoke about how they personally met with third-parties and showed off 1-2-Switch, Snipperclips, and more.
Read on below for a rundown of Takahashi and Koizumi’s comments. TIME’s piece can be found here for a few more remarks.
More: interview, Shinya Takahashi, top, Yoshiaki Koizumi
Shinya Takahashi on his career at Nintendo, new role, and Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Switch | 5 Comments
TIME has put up a pretty massive piece about Shinya Takahashi today. You may recognize him from his appearance during the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017. He’s a director, board member, managing executive officer, and general manager of Nintendo’s Entertainment Planning and Development Division.
TIME’s piece delves into Takahashi’s history at Nintendo and new role at the company. He comments a bit on Switch and more as well. Shigeru Miyamoto also chimes in about wanting to use Switch as an opportunity “to hand over more to the younger generation.”
We have a summary of TIME’s article below. We do strongly encourage you to read the full thing right here.
Nintendo on the demographic for NX, stronger relationship between teams
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Switch | 250 Comments
On Friday, Nikkei Trendy published a new interview with Shinya Takahashi, General Manager of Nintendo Entertainment Planning & Development. There’s admittedly not a whole lot in the discussion that’s new. However, it does offer some additional perspective on some topics, including NX.
At one point, the interviewer brings up how when Wii was being released, he heard that a part of the plan to get the system next to a television in living rooms was to make a game console that moms wouldn’t hate. That prompted Nikkei Trendy to ask if there plans like this for NX.
Takahashi said in response:
“I can’t talk about this in detail yet, but we are aiming so that neither people who like games nor moms dislike it. I think that I want to release a game device that both customers who have much experience in gaming and customers who haven’t played much can enjoy greatly.”
More: interview, Shinya Takahashi, top
Miyamoto talks more about why Wii U struggled, taking a step back with NX, Nintendo focusing on excitement
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Wii U | 104 Comments
Shigeru Miyamoto previously discussed why the Wii U struggles in an interview with NPR. Speaking with Fortune, he once again touched on this topic and pointed to the fact that “people never really understood the concept behind Wii U and what we were trying to do.”
He said:
“I feel like people never really understood the concept behind Wii U and what we were trying to do. I think the assumption is we were trying to create a game machine and a tablet and really what we were trying to do was create a game system that gave you tablet-like functionality for controlling that system and give you two screens that would allow different people in the living room to play in different ways. Unfortunately, because tablets, at the time, were adding more and more functionality and becoming more and more prominent, this system and this approach didn’t mesh well with the period in which we released it.”
Miyamoto also shared some regret about how the console won’t live up to its potential, in which he stated: “I still feel it was a very novel approach—and a very interesting idea.”
More: interview, Shigeru Miyamoto, Shinya Takahashi, top
Nintendo’s Shinya Takahashi believes Miyamoto could extend his creativity beyond games
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
Shigeru Miyamoto has been responsible for some of Nintendo’s biggest gaming franchises. Without Miyamoto, the likes of Mario and Zelda wouldn’t exist today.
Nintendo games will always be the most important element for Miyamoto, but the company’s Shinya Takahashi feels that his creativity could be extended into other areas. Speaking with USA Today, Takahashi stated:
“For me, because it’s Mr. Miyamoto, I want him to continue making things as long as he wants to continue making things. I really think that Mr. Miyamoto will continue to be creative — and not just in the area of video games.”