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Square Enix

New details about Lost Sphear, Square Enix and Tokyo RPG Factory’s new Switch RPG, are included in this week’s Famitsu. We’ve rounded up the information as translated by Siliconera below.

Once again, Weekly Jump magazine has some new Dragon Quest XI info in its latest issue. This week, we’ve got new details on two party members and on one new location (thanks to Gematsu for the translation).


Veronica hates being treated like a child. She can equip two-handed staffs and whips as weapons. Despite her small size, she is a tomboy who won’t flinch in a fight no matter her opponent. She can unleash beyond-powerful attack spells that prove her use as the party’s attacker.

Spells she can use include:

  • “Kafrizzle” – A powerful spell where a pillar of overly-hot flames attack the enemy.
  • “Gilaglade” – Heat up and clear away the enemy with the earth-shaking flame that is this powerful attack spell.

Her weapon skills include:

  • “Berserk Magic Circle” – A special skill using the two-handed staff that strengthens spells.
  • “Extreme Dragon Strike” – A special skill using the whip that consecutively strikes the enemy.


Senya is a healer who can cure her allies. She can equip spears and sticks. She has a kind heart and gentle personality. In contrast to Veronica, her language is awfully polite. Her easygoing and gentle personality may even make Veronica impatient at times.

Spells she can use include:

  • “Kerplunk” – A spell that heals all party members at the expense of herself.
  • “Kaswooshle” – An attack spell, which Senya can also use.
  • “Holy Light” – No description provided.

Her weapon skills include:

  • “Flash Strike” – A special skill using the stick and spear.

Homura Village (Fire Village)

A village at the foot of Hinonogi Volcano characterized by Japanese-style buildings. It thrives in smithing and has a famous steam bath house. There is a shrine in the back of the village where a the shrine maiden who governs over the village lives.


Update: More videos added in below.

Original: Now that it has officially launched in Japan, more Seiken Densetsu Collection footage is popping up. A new video showing off the menu and music test can be found below.

In this week’s issue of Famitsu, Seiken Densetsu Collection producer Masaru Oyamada is interviewed. Oyamada spoke about why the package was brought to Switch and also teased new developments for the series’ 25th anniversary.

Below are several tidbits from the interview, as translated by Gematsu:

  • (Regarding the release of Seiken Densetsu Collection🙂 When I thought that I wanted to release a packaged edition that compiles the first three Seiken Densetsu games, Nintendo Switch, the most suitable hardware, was announced. The platform makes it easy for users to enjoy multiplayer.
  • Today’s elementary school students only know the latest high-definition graphic titles. I want parents and children to enjoy the classic Seiksen Densetsu titles together.
  • The point I want you to pay attention to is the transition and connection of the series. I want you to become acquainted with these amazing games released over 20 years ago.
  • The tricks from the original versions of the games were left almost as is.
  • (Regarding a new title:) Of course, I would like to announce new developments on the series’ 25th anniversary.
  • It’s still undecided, but there may be some sort of movement when playing Seiken Densetsu Collection.
  • I want to develop the series more and more from here on. Please support us.


Square Enix and I Am Setsuna developer Tokyo RPG Factory are working to bring Lost Sphear to Switch. Following up on the news from earlier today, we have the official announcement about the game.

We’ve posted the announcement in full below. It contains a few details about the game, and also confirms a physical version on the Square Enix Online Store.

A new game called Lost Sphear has been revealed for the Nintendo Switch. It will be developed by Tokyo RPG Factory, of I Am Setsuna fame, and published by Square Enix. Check out the video below.

When Dragon Quest XI goes on sale in July, fans will be able to pick up a special package. Square Enix is readying the Dragon Quest XI Double Pack Hero’s Sword Box, which is comprised of both the 3DS and PlayStation 4 versions of the game housed in special packaging.

Below are some photos posted by HMV:

The Dragon Quest XI Double Pack Hero’s Sword Box is priced at 14,960 yen.


Famitsu hosted a live stream this week, and showcased plenty of footage from the Japanese Switch release Seiken Densetsu Collection. We’ve included the lengthy recording below.

During a live stream hosted earlier today, Dragon Quest XI producer and series creator Yuji Horii commented on the game’s Switch version. Unfortunately though, they couldn’t really say anything.

Here’s what was mentioned:

“We can’t say about anything concrete regarding the Switch version of Dragon Quest XI. When the timing comes that we can say something… there are grown-up reasons. When the time that we can say something does come, I think we’ll have something to say, so if you can please wait.”

Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii also added that “there are various circumstances.” What those circumstances are were not made clear.


Dragon Quest XI will be launching on 3DS alongside a PlayStation 4 version in July. That wasn’t the original plan, however. In a pamphlet provided to fans at the Dragon Quest XI “Countdown Carnival” hands-on events, it’s revealed that the 3DS version was added later on in development.

Originally, development started as only a PlayStation 4 title. 3DS production began later due to its increase in userbase and Square Enix wanting more fans to experience the game.

Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii had some concerns about 3DS players feeling that they were playing an inferior version. So when an idea was brought up to include both 2D and 3D perspectives, he said: “That’s good!”.

Funnily enough, Square Enix is also planning Dragon Quest XI for Switch. We’ve yet to see anything from that version though.


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