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Square Enix

Square Enix has decided to remove Chousoku Henkei Gyrozetter from the Japanese 3DS eShop.

Originally released in 2013 at retail and through the eShop, the game was about cars that turned into robots and had an anime to support the story as well. Neither game nor anime did very well and the anime was cancelled shortly after the release of the game.

Chousoku Henkei Gyrozetter will be removed from the eShop on March 31st.


In a recent article from Siliconera, they translated the latest Bravely Second footage that was released by Square Enix.

In the video they explain a few details of the battle system with its Brave and Default mechanics.

– You will be able to stock up “turns”, or use them in advance.

– Time will be able to be stopped so that you can perform a more powerful attack in combat at any time.

– There are 30 job classes and over 300 abilities.

– The Abilink (Ability Link) will return for this sequel, it allows you to link up with a friend to borrow their job level, as well as summon their chosen character to perform an attack.


Theatrhythm Dragon Quest’s demo is out now in Japan, and we’ve been hearing that it doesn’t support stereoscopic 3D. This will apply to the final game as well, according to Nintendo’s website.

This is the first Theatrhythm to not make use of 3D. Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call both had support for the feature.


According to a report from Famitsu, it seems that, unlike Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call, all Theatrhythm Dragon Quest DLC will be free. Yes, all.

For those that are a fan of the series, and an admirer of all the compositions that make up and accentuate Square Enix’s games, you know this is exciting news and a great way to play through all of your favorite tracks and gorgeous pieces of music.



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