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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Today’s update from the Super Smash Blog is a brief rundown of Daisy in Smash Bros. Ultimate. We have the full post below.

Today’s Fighter
#13ᵋ: Daisy
Her basic move set is the same as Peach’s, but this princess has her own unique personality. She’s known for being upbeat, energetic, and a bit of a tomboy.


Here’s a neat little tidbit about Sheik in Smash Bros. Ultimate. As it turns out, the design takes some inspiration from Zelda: Breath of the Wild. As shown in the image above, it centers around the Stealth Armor Set from that game.


To kick off Nintendo’s Treehouse coverage, Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai stopped by to show off Smash Bros. Ultimate. There’s one comment in particular that’s been making the rounds.

Here’s what Sakurai said:

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Following the proper unveiling of Smash Bros. Ultimate this week, Nintendo opened the official website. One aspect of the site is the “Super Smash Blog” where different aspects of the game are introduced.

Below are some of the past few entries posted over the past couple of days:

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