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Corpse Party is now available on 3DS. For the game’s launch trailer, watch the video below.

We published a review of Corpse Party earlier today. For those that missed it, you can read it here.

System: 3DS
Release date: October 25, 2016
Developer: Marvelous
Publisher XSEED Games

Halloween is around the corner ladies and gentlemen, and as far as I’m concerned, there’s no better way (or game) to get you in the spirit of all things creepy and dead than Corpse Party. A series that I love dearly is finally making its way over to 3DS for the western audience to enjoy, and it brings along extra chapters not before seen in any of the previous ports and iterations.

WayForward is extremely close to the finish line with Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. The studio remains in the testing phase, and is currently taking care of bugs on various platforms. A final date isn’t set, though WayForward will have more news to share once the game reaches the submission phase.

Other than that, WayForward also shared the lineup of product features for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. Here’s the news straight from the studio:

  • New Game Plus! We’ve added a bonus mode which will unlock when you clear the game for the first time! Speed runners and sequence breakers – this feature is for you. Expect some kind of treat for completing the game quickly!
  • Transformations! The game contains five chapters, two of which were stretch goals. As with all previous games, this means 1 transformation per chapter for a total of FIVE, right? NO! This time, Shantae will transform into a whopping 10 forms – 11 if you include the Tinkerbat Form. A few of these forms are very unusual… hmm.
  • Magical Attacks and Upgrades. We’ve added upgrades for many of the most popular Shantae powers from the past. Storm Puff, Bubble Shield, Pike Ball, and Fireball are back. But this time you can upgrade all of them through multiple stages, with some devastatingly powerful final forms. For example, you can upgrade Pikeball into the “SCIMITAR”, which will cut any foe down to size in seconds. There are other upgrades too, but we’ll let you find those for yourself!

  • GIGA WRENCH and Warp Dance! New to Half-Genie Hero is the Warp Dance. Get this dance, and you can zip around the stages within a given world with ease. To travel between worlds, you can catch a ride on Giga Wrench! Whenever you need a lift, blow Sky’s Bird-Whistle for a quick lift!

  • Expanded Art Gallery: As planned, the Scuttle Town Art Gallery will house the 50+ images created by Backers. Now we’ve expanded that feature to include additional artwork created by our concept artists, animators, and friends at Inti Creates. Look for over 100 pieces of original artwork to unlock! If you unlock all of the images, you might get a special reward from the Mayor.


XSEED has finally confirmed that Corpse Party will arrive in North America on October 25. It will cost $50 at retail as part of the limited “Back to School Edition” physical release, and a $30 digital option will also be available.

Corpse Party is also slated for Europe, where it will only be sold digitally starting on October 26.

In other news, Exile’s End is also coming out on October 25, but not on Wii U. XSEED says details regarding the eShop version and European release “will be provided at a later time.” When we do see it, the title will cost $9.99.

Head past the break for overviews of both Corpse Party and Exile’s End. We also have new assets for both below.

We’ve been wondering when Corpse Party would be releasing in the west ever since the localization announcement in April. XSEED originally targeted a summer launch window in North America, but the season passed by without any news.

The most recent date we heard was October 4 from various retailers. Well, Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop, and GameFly have updated their listings again, and now point to October 25.

The good news? That may be final. For one thing, Corpse Party is now actually listed on the eShop, and carries an October 25 release date. We also heard a couple of weeks ago that the game had appeared on the European eShop with a similar date.

Hopefully XSEED will come forward with an official date soon. Marvelous also has to officially confirm Corpse Party for Europe, as the only “announcement” we have to go by is the eShop listing.

XSEED has pulled back the curtain on a new pre-order bonus for Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. If you reserve the game, you’ll receive the 3.5-inch capybara pocket plushie pictured above. Select retailers will be carrying the bonus.

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns launches in North America early next year. Take a look at some capybara screenshots below.

In related news, the original Story of Seasons and Rune Factory 4 have been permanently reduced to $30. The two games have sold over 150,000 copies and 200,000 units in North America respectively.

Source: XSEED PR

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero has mostly wrapped up development. WayForward say it’s now “content complete” and is shifting attention to fixing bugs.

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero was most recently targeted for September 27. Unfortunately, it’s now being moved back “by about 6 weeks, give or take.”

WayForward wrote in a Kickstarter update today:

“First things first – we are going to have to adjust our Target Release Date, moving it back from our 9/27 Target Release date by about 6 weeks, give or take. We know this will disappoint some of you, but we feel that it’s necessary to take that extra time for bug fixing and adding additional polish. We know you want the final product to be excellent and so do we! Thanks for your patience and support as we approach the finish line!”

The full Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Kickstarter update can be read here.

Corpse Party – short video

Posted on 8 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Publisher XSEED Games has added some new footage to their Facebook of Corpse Party for the 3DS. You can watch the full video below.


XSEED confirmed the localization of Corpse Party on 3DS back in April. As part of the initial announcement, the publisher said the game would be ready to hit store shelves this summer. Those plans may have since changed.

For one thing, time is running out on summer. We still don’t have a concrete date, and we’re a month away from the start of fall. Retailers also started to update their Corpse Party listings this past week. While many had the game pinned down for a tentative August 30 launch, the likes of Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop, and GameFly now indicate that it’ll be available on October 4.

In any case, this is all partially speculation on my part. There are still a few weeks left in the summer, so maybe XSEED is simply gearing up for a (very) late fall release. Hopefully we’ll find out what’s happening soon.

Senran Kagura

XSEED has discounted a few games on the North American 3DS eShop. First, Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson is $20 (normally $40). Senran Kagura Burst and Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale are also discounted, as they’re each $15 (normally $30). The sale lasts until July 25.

Thanks to Brian for the tip.

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