Fire Emblem Heroes – 3-part Starter Support event
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in News | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes is running a special event called the 3-part Starter Support event. The event will run until April 2, during which players will earn 2 Orbs as a log-in bonus and earn 1.5 times XP. Furthermore, there are two special maps available for the event, one of which is live now. The maps will give 3 Orbs for completing them, and each will have two difficulties to do so.
Nintendo plans to double Switch production
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in News | 39 Comments
Nintendo is set to double the amount of Switch consoles in production, according to the Wall Street Journal. This production would start on April 1, and it would see the company manufacturing at least 16 million units. The Wall Street Journal also notes that this momentum is similar to that of the Wii.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Training Tower Quests added
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in Mobile | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes – Inherit Skill feature added
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in Mobile | 1 Comment
The Inherit Skill feature has finally arrived to Fire Emblem Heroes. It allows you to transfer skills from one Hero to another.
Picking two Heroes, you can send up to three skills from one of them to the other. The Hero transferring the skills over will be removed from you army afterwards. Some skills are non-transferable, and some cannot be transferred between different types of Heroes. For example, you cannot send a character’s weapon over to another character who has a different weapon type. Also, you cannot use Heroes who are listed as your favorite as a source.
Once the skill is transferred, it is not automatically unlocked. It must be unlocked through SP, and the SP cost will be 1.5 times as much as it was for its original Hero.
If a transferred Skill can be learned by a Hero by raising their star rating, though, the cost will be the regular amount.
World of Goo footage
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in Switch, Videos | 2 Comments
World of Goo will be hitting the Switch eShop, and Nintendaan has recorded some footage of the port in action. Watch below for the gooey puzzling.
More: 2D Boy, World of Goo
Fire Emblem Heroes – Grand Hero Battle against Michalis starts March 24
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in Mobile | 0 comments
The next Grand Hero Battle in Fire Emblem Heroes will start on March 24. The battle will be against Michalis, the Ambitious King, and will most likely unlock him for your army like the previous events.
Fire Emblem Heroes – April update info, upcoming Grand Hero Battles, “permadeath” event tease
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in Mobile | 11 Comments
Fire Emblem Heroes has announced a pretty massive update slated for April. The update will include some tweaks to the basic game, as well as a few new features. These are as follows:
There are also more Grand Hero Battles on the horizon, with time frames as follows:
More details on Ash Pikachu distribution, moveset and levels
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in 3DS | 3 Comments
Japan is set to get a special hat-wearing Ash Pikachu in May, with different hats depending on when you redeem your code. Now, details have released about the differences between the Pikachu, and Serebii has translated the details.
While each Pikachu comes in a Poke Ball, has Static as its ability, and is holding a Pikashunium, the different versions have different levels and movesets, as follows:
Original Cap – Level 1 – Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Thunder, Agility
Hoenn Cap – Level 6 – Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Thunder, Iron Tail
Sinnoh Cap – Level 10 – Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Volt Tackle
Unova Cap – Level 14 – Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Volt Tackle
Kalos Cap – Level 17 – Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Electro Ball
Alola Cap – Level 20 – Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Electro Ball
More: Japan, Pokemon Sun and Moon
Fire Emblem Heroes – Blazing Shadows event trailer
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in Mobile, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo has released a video highlighting the new Heroes added to Fire Emblem Heroes. You can watch it below:
New Heroes have been added to #FEHeroes with the Blazing Shadows Event happening now!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) March 14, 2017
Fire Emblem Heroes – new Blazing Blade characters, maps, quests, Voting Gauntlet rewards
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in Mobile | 3 Comments
Fire Emblem Heroes has added some new Heroes from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade to its lineup, as well as a new Focus to summon them, Paralogue Maps, and some Quests. The new characters are as follows:
The Event will be live until March 30. There are also new Paralogue Maps featuring the characters that are added to the game, as well as Quests for these maps that will run until March 30.
Finally, the rewards for last week’s Voting Gauntlet are now live. All players will receive 20 Orbs, 5 of each Great Badge, and 5000 Universal Crystals. These will be sent to your gift box upon logging in.
This update includes a required 17.3 MB download.