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Nintendo has started sending out codes for the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Check the email associated with your Club Nintendo account, and you may receive a message containing the demo code.

Thanks to Eric W for the tip.

Vblank Entertainment has further teased what the upcoming Retro City Rampage: DX update will offer for New 3DS owners. Thus far, it’s been confirmed that dual stick shooting will become possible with the c-stick. It sounds like a few other things are planned as well, but we’ve yet to hear any additional specifics.


The demo for Cube Creator 3D has been downloaded over 125,000 times on the eShop, developer Big John Games announced today.

On Twitter, the studio confirmed:

Cube Creator 3D’s demo launched in mid-December. It’s unclear if Cube Creator 3D’s demo downloads will translate to high sales, but it’s an impressive number nonetheless.


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