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Earlier today, the Official Nintendo Magazine announced its upcoming closure. Issue 144 will be its last.

What does this mean for Nintendo as a whole? Eurogamer caught up with a company spokesperson and was told how Nintendo will “speak to its fans” going forward:

“Nintendo is constantly evaluating and evolving the ways in which it speaks to its fans. With this in mind, Nintendo UK has decided to focus on alternative channels including Nintendo Direct, social media and online channels and public events.”


Spike Chunsoft has registered trademarks for “Zero Escape” in both the US and Europe. The European application was filed in July, whereas the US trademark was filed on October 2.

What do these trademarks mean? At the moment, no one knows unfortunately! It’s certainly a possibility that nothing will come from either filing.


This was mentioned in today’s PR, but figured was worth its own post!


Japanese gamers will have not one, but two options when it comes to purchasing the new GameCube controllers. Along with the previously-revealed black option, a white controller will also be available. You’ll find an image of the white controller above.


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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS will receive a patch to support Amiibo, Nintendo has announced. A date for the update was not shared, nor are there details available at this time. Stay tuned!


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