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A number of global missions were held for Pokemon Sun/Moon when the 3DS games originally dropped last year. Unsurprisingly, these events are returning for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon. Details about the first assignment were published today.

The debut global mission for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon is for all Trainers to collectively catch 10,000,000 Pokemon by November 28. Assuming the goal is reached, every participant will receive 2,000 Festival Coins. A participation reward of 1,000 Festival Coins will also be handed out even if the goal isn’t reached. Note that those who have registered their game at the Pokemon Global Link by the end of the global mission will receive double the number of Festival Coins.


The Pokemon Global Link is planning a launch promotion for Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. By syncing your game, you can receive a Master Ball.

Syncing can be done between November 17 and January 30. The promotion also applies to both versions of the game if you end up purchasing Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. A link will be provided toward the end of January with instructions on how to claim your Master Ball.


This week’s Famitsu scans are now available. Highlights include Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. Scans of all games are below.


Best Buy has revealed its upcoming deals for Black Friday. There are quite a few highlights for Nintendo fans, and especially Switch owners. A number of discounts are planned including Disgaea 5 Complete and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for $20 each.

Below are the full Switch deals for Black Friday at Best Buy:

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

Switch – 64,387
PS4 – 21,830
New 3DS LL – 11,116
New 2DS LL – 7,914
PS4 Pro – 6,993
Vita – 3,576
2DS – 1,539
New 3DS – 287
Xbox One – 114
PS3 – 56
Wii U – 38

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

Switch – 126,701
PS4 – 18,719
New 2DS LL – 9,203
New 3DS LL – 6,448
PS4 Pro – 5,934
Vita – 3,705
2DS – 1,412
New 3DS – 220
Xbox One – 97
PS3 – 45
Wii U – 41

And here are the software charts:

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon are out in the wild. Between people receiving review copies and folks in general getting their hands on the game, a lot of information is beginning to leak.

If you’re interested in learning about what’s circulating thus far, continue on below. We won’t be posting any of the details elsewhere on the site, unless anything is revealed officially leading up to launch.

It’s that time as Nintendo has officially ended Miiverse’s services on 3DS & Wii U. As of now if you try to connect to Miiverse, you will get a server error saying that the service has ended.

The homepage for the official Miiverse website shows this image below basically saying the same thing about the end of Miiverse and also information about how your downloadable post history will be sent to your email if you sent a request.

As of right now, Nintendo has no plans for a new social media service on the Switch to replace Miiverse but these last 5 years of Miiverse were something special. Thank you Miiverse and goodbye.


More: ,

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

VA-11 Hall-A (PSV) – 8/8/9/9
ARK: Survival Evolved (PS4) – 8/8/8/8
WRC 7 (PS4) – 8/8/7/8
Tamagotchi no Puchi Puchi Omisecchi Ninki no Omise Atsumemashita (3DS) – 8/8/7/7

Super Mario Maker on Wii U and 3DS have both received updates. The two games are at version 1.47 and 1.04 respectively.

Below are the patch notes for Super Mario Maker:

– Accompanying the ending of the Miiverse service, new comments can no longer be added and existing comments can no longer be viewed on uploaded courses. Courses can still be uploaded, played, and evaluated.
– A number of issues have been fixed to make for a pleasant playing experience.

And Super Mario Maker for 3DS:

A number of issues have been fixed to make for a pleasant playing experience.


Nintendo has announced the results of the Kirby Copy Ability Poll. After tabulating all of the votes around the world, the winning ability was none other than Mirror.

Below are the full results by region:

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