Examining each of Nintendo’s launch titles
Posted on 5 months ago by Ethan in Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
With Nintendo’s next console confirmed to be revealed before March 2025, we thought it’d be a good time to examine something that will be very impactful on whether it succeeds or not: its launch titles. Though launch titles don’t always make or break a console’s success, they definitely play a hand in what happens next. Today, we’re going over all of Nintendo’s strongest and weakest launch titles and how they affected their respective systems.
The Art of Bravely Default II: 201X-2021 getting English release in the west
Posted on 5 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
The Art of Bravely Default II: 201X-2021 previously came to Japan, and it’s now been revealed that an English localization is in the works for western fans. A release date of April 22, 2025 is also confirmed.
Dark Horse, a familiar name for many, is in charge of the localization. The hardcover art book features art and commentary from the Bravely Default developers.
Here’s some additional information about the book:
More: Bravely Default II, Dark Horse, Square Enix
The most forgotten Pokemon of all time, ranked
Posted on 5 months ago by Ethan in Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
The matter of most forgotten Pokemon is always a subjective one. Everybody’s got different favorites, and they say that every single Pokemon is at least one person’s favorite. That being said, some Pokemon are more obscure than others – and there are bound to be instances where a specific Pokemon is the favorite of very few players.
Today, we’re going over a list of some of the most forgotten Pokemon of all time. Do note that we’re actually not including Lumineon on this list – it’s always on “most forgotten Pokemon” lists, and it’s so forgettable that it’s looped around into being memorable for being forgettable (if that makes sense). We’re including Pokemon who really aren’t talked about very much.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon
Super Mario Bros. Wonder getting Talking Flower and Wonder Flower plushies
Posted on 5 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
September 9: San-ei Boeki is set to launch not one, but two new Super Mario Bros. Wonder plushies – including a special Talking Flower version. Both are releasing in Japan this November.
Talking Flower and Wonder Flower plushies will be made available, the manufacture revealed on social media. The first one is probably the more notable of the two, as it actually talks – as is the case in the actual game. When you press on it, audio will play. English and Japanese are both supported.
More: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Suda51 feels people “care too much” about Metacritic
Posted on 5 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
No More Heroes creator Suda51 doesn’t appear to be a big fan of Metacritic, believing it receives too much attention and can lead to some developers intentionally making a game in a formulaic way to receive high marks.
Metacritic is a known entity within the gaming sphere – and in other industries. The site aggregates reviews from various outlets to put one particular score on a release. Getting a low Metacritic score can sink a game while a very high one can lead to a great deal of buzz.
Suda51 had this to say about Metacritic while speaking with GamesIndustry:
More: interview, Metacritic, Suda51
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom leaks appearing online
Posted on 5 months ago by Dawn in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom releases in just under two weeks, but spoilers and other leaks of that nature are likely to start today as a ROM of the game has been leaked online.
SEGA not currently planning a standalone Chao Garden game
Posted on 5 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
The Chao Garden is something that’s beloved among SEGA fans in the Sonic the Hedgehog title, but that feature won’t be getting its own standalone game in the near future.
Takashi Iizuka, the boss of Sonic Team, ruled out the possibility in a recent interview. He said that Chao Garden is something that it’s a piece of Sonic Adventure, and doesn’t seem to believe it’d make sense to “just break it off and make it a thing.” Fan interest in Sonic Adventure 3 was also again acknowledged.
More: interview, SEGA, Sonic the Hedgehog, Takashi Iizuka
The hardest Shiny Pokemon to get, ranked
Posted on 5 months ago by Ethan in Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
Today, we’re listing off some of the hardest Shiny Pokemon to get. Most of these are from games prior to the Switch generation, but can still be transferred over to modern games.
At the time of writing, Pokemon Bank is still open for business – at least for those who’ve already downloaded it. In the past, we’ve discussed easy Shiny hunts you can do on DS and 3DS-generation Pokemon games. But how about some of the most difficult? Indeed, all of the Pokemon games prior to X and Y have a decreased Shiny rate of 1 in 8000 (roughly), which means there are plenty of tough and time-consuming Shiny hunts to do before Pokemon Bank eventually closes. Get ready for some tough hunts!
More: Game Freak, highlight, Pokemon, top
Zelda art director on how he came up with the Majora’s Mask design
Posted on 5 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Majora’s Mask is one of the more iconic elements of the Zelda series. Now as part of an interview with Gaming Boulevard, we get to hear a bit about how it was created.
Takaya Imamura had a legendary career at Nintendo where he was an artist on many different games and franchises, including Star Fox, F-Zero, and yes, The Legend of Zelda. According to Imamura, Majora’s Mask was about differentiating the game from Ocarina of Time, and the mask itself took some inspiration from Asian tribes.
The Legend of Zelda classic animated series getting DVD re-release
Posted on 6 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
The infamous animated series for The Legend of Zelda is returning – sort of. The Complete Series is coming out on DVD in a little over a month.
The Legend of Zelda animated series aired in 1989. Just thirteen episodes were made, so the entire show had its run between September and December of that year. Every episode will be included in this release.