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This past week, YouTuber Haley Ojedi finished up The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild during a live stream – and received a special surprise in the process.

Sean Chiplock is the voice of Revali in Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s English version. Believe it or not, he actually appeared in Ojedi’s stream. Chiplock not only recorded a special message for Ojedi congratulating her on beating the game, but also gave a generous donation to help raise enough money to send her to E3.

Here’s the relevant recording (note: credits are shown):

We’ve entered a new month, and My Nintendo is celebrating with new rewards. Several items have been added in for North American, European, and Australian users.

As you would expect, most of the rewards are discount-based. However, there are some extra things as well like a Fire Emblem wallpaper and Swapdoodle DLC.

Head past the break for the full lineup.

The Ace Attorney anime ran through its full 24-episode season last year. For those with Steam accounts, it’s now available for purchase. The entire season will cost you $8.16, but individual episodes are priced at $0.49.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice For All were adapted for last year’s anime. A-1 Pictures handled production of the show.

This week’s Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s episode, Kit and Krysta celebrate their 200th video. View it in full below.

Pokemon GO wrapped up its Water Festival a couple of days ago. During the week-long event, players collectively caught over 589 million Magikarp, Niantic announced.

The Water Festival made it more likely to encounter Magikarp, Squirtle, Totodile, and their Evolutions. Magikarp, along with its next form Gyarados, were the first ever Shiny Pokemon introduced in Pokemon GO this month.


Soichiro Morizumi is no longer with Monolith Soft. Morizumi, who directed both Project X Zone games on 3DS, confirmed the news about his resignation on Twitter.

Gematsu has the following translation of his tweets:

“I have resigned from Monolith Soft as of today, March 31. Thank you so much for looking after me for 14 years! I have been able to successfully complete games from Namco x Capcom to Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier EXCEED to Project X Zone. I’m very grateful to have worked with all of the companies involved. I’m planning to remain in the games industry, so let’s meet again in the next game… someday.”

“And by the way, it was an amicable resignation. As for how amicable, it was as amicable as when I resigned from Banpresto lol. Since I was at Banpresto for seven years, and Monolith Soft for 14 years, is this some sort of cause and effect? If my next one is 21 years, I’ll be of exact retirement age (65 years old).”

Soichiro Morizumi’s work at Bandai Namco was primarily limited to Bandai Namco games. Aside from the Project X Zone series, he contributed to Namco x Capcom and the Super Robot titles as mentioned in his tweets.


Earlier this week, Nintendo had a bit of fun with real life farmers by taking on a new challenge with 1-2-Switch’s Milk mini-game. PETA saw this, and has now written a bizarre letter of its own to the big N.

The animal rights organization believes that 1-2-Switch isn’t being realistic in terms of how it portrays cow milking, calling it “far from reality” as the real act may sometimes be more violent. PETA thinks Nintendo should make the experience more authentic and even asks for certain sounds to be added in. If that isn’t possible, the letter suggests that Nintendo should “switch to simulating activities in which no animals suffer.”

Here’s the full letter:


My Nintendo has been updated in all regions with two items for Miitomo.

First up is the Long-Sleeved Raglan Logo T-Shirt, available in nine colors. Also on My Nintendo is the Fish Pin in three colors. The two rewards cost 150 and 100 Platinum Points respectively.

You can grab them through the Nintendo site using the corresponding Platinum Coins or you can do it via the Miitomo app instead. Both are available until July 31.


Hyrule Historia, a lengthy book covering historical information on The Legend of Zelda, came out a few years ago. It seems that a more condensed version exists targeting younger fans. Nintendo Force spotted the book – with a new cover and all – at a kindergarten book fair.

Aside from being smaller, it’s unclear how this version of Hyrule Historia differs. It’s also unavailable online.


Battlefy is hosting an online Splatoon tournament, and it’s offering a pretty huge prize in the end: a trip to E3 2017. Those who are 18 and up living in the United States with a Wii U, a copy of Splatoon, and internet access are eligible to enter. The winning team will be granted a trip to this year’s E3 and an opportunity to see what Nintendo has in store at the expo.

Nintendo has the following information about the tournament:

“The qualifying round (Turf War) is on April 22 at 11 a.m. PT, but make sure to log in early and click the ‘Check In’ button an hour before tournament time. Once the bracket is seeded, you can set up your qualifying match using Battlefy’s Private Match Chat and then proceed to splat your way to hopeful victory. The top 16 teams in the qualifying round will then move on to the finals. In the finals, teams will play Turf War, Splat Zones and Tower Control in succession in single-elimination best-of-five play until only two teams remain. The Grand Finals will see the final two teams doing battle in Rainmaker mode to determine the winner. The finals will begin on April 29 at 11 a.m. PT.”

You’ll need to enter the tournament with three other friends and an optional backup. Then register your team here.

Source: Nintendo PR

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