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Gunhouse is set for release on Switch early next week as a digital download. Get a look at some gameplay footage in the video below.

Nintendo has once again uploaded a video in which Mario responds to a fan letter. You can watch the latest episode below.


Super Meat Boy arrives on Switch tomorrow. Have a look at some footage showing the game running on Nintendo’s latest console below.

Gal Metal

A new video has surfaced for Switch’s new Japanese rhythm game Gal Metal featuring Marty Friedman, who was the Megadeth lead guitarist. Have a look at it below.

Necrosoft Games has uploaded a new trailer for the upcoming Switch edition of their puzzle-meets-tower-defense game Gunhouse. The eShop listing indicates that the game will be out January 15. Take a look at the video below:

On January 22, ChromaGun will be arriving on the Switch eShop. Get a look at some footage in the video below.

QubicGames and Bloober Team are soon bringing Brawl to Switch. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

ChromaGun is releasing on Switch this month, and a new trailer has gone live to celebrate. Check out the video below.

10tons is keeping up with its Switch releases this week with Azkend 2. Have a look at some footage below.

Arc System Works has released some information on Cube Creator X for the Switch via their Japanese website; the folks at Gematsu have kindly translated this new info:

Gameplay modes

Essentially, there will be three distinct modes in the game: Adventure Mode, which features a variety of gameplay elements including exploration, combat and communication, Creative Mode, where you can build up an original world at your own pace and Stage Builder Mode, in which you can use gimmick cubes to create unique stages.

Home World

Home World is a new addition to Adventure Mode in this game. It is a sort of hub world from which you can travel to other worlds. There are no enemies here, so you freely customize it, have conversations with citizens, buy items and more.

Evolved Systems

There are three times as many cube types in this game compared to Cube Creator 3D. Also, systems such as height, weight, heat and weather have been added.

Avatar Customization

Avatar customization has been improved and offers more options than ever before, so you can easily create an avatar that suits you.

Finally, there’s also a first gameplay video to be found on the game’s website, sadly without sound though:

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