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The latest addition to Nintendo’s North American YouTube account is a cosplay choir. Nintendo had a bunch of people from San Diego Comic-Con – including the voice of Mario – participate in the video, which has cosplayers singing the Super Mario Bros. tune. Check it out below.

Glow Games uploaded a new trailer for Dungeons & Robots today. Give it a watch below.

Nintendo recently added BoxBoy! badges to the Japanese 3DS download Collectible Badge Center. We’ve posted some footage below showing off these items.

EVO 2015 has officially kicked off. If you’re interested in watching the first day of matches – which includes Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Melee – head past the break.


When Mutant Mudds launched in Japan, it was accompanied by a new 3DS theme. We now have footage of it in action. Take a look at a video of the theme below.

Capcom have released info on The Great Ace Attorney’s first paid DLC – the first in a series of Randst magazines, which will be free until July 19th. Details are as follows (thanks to Perfectly-Nintendo):

  • The DLC includes a short scene that takes place after the game’s first case
  • It features concept-art and voice clips from Naruhodu Ryuunosuke and Mikotoba Susato
  • A brand new “Court Begins” track is featured
  • A special Court Video from TGS 2014 and a Nintendo 3DS theme are included

The first issue costs 300 yen (after July 19th) or 2000 yen for the whole 8 issues. The next issue is due out next week.

Below is the archive of a live stream from a recent Denjin Getcha which features additional gameplay footage.

Source, via1, 2

Capcom has a new video up for Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX. Take a look at it below.

Final Fight One was one of Europe’s other Wii U Virtual Console releases this week. View a video of the game below.

Capcom held a live stream earlier tonight to showcase the latest footage from Mega Man Legacy Collection. We’ve posted the 45-minute Twitch recording after the break.

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