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3DS eShop

The latest eShop title making waves thanks to its cross-buy inclusion saw a fresh batch of screens today, check that out along with the press release below:

MONTPELIER, France – July 3, 2014 – Following last month’s release on Wii U™, The Game Bakers’ popular SQUIDS franchise is now on Nintendo 3DS™ in SQUIDS Odyssey, a tactical RPG available for download in the Nintendo eShop. Designed specifically for handheld devices, SQUIDS Odyssey has casual combat with quick levels that can easily be enjoyed on the go, alongside an epic adventure storyline reminiscent of old-school JRPGs.

When a mysterious black ooze seeps into the sea and disturbs the Squids’ peaceful kingdom, a scrappy shoal of heroes must fight back. During turn-based combat against ooze-infected crab and shrimp, the Squids’ springy tentacles become their best weapons: stretch them with your finger or the stylus, aim, and release to shoot your Squid toward its target. Four hero classes, stat-boosting helmets, and power-ups add a strategic element to the role-playing gameplay.

SQUIDS Odyssey for Nintendo 3DS includes all the same content as on Wii U, with gorgeous artwork thanks to a 3D-layered effect that shows off the Squids’ lush kingdom like never before. Game features include:
Build your party from 15 different Squids in four classes — shooters, scouts, troopers, and healers
Win turn-based battles with strategy and skill, using the environment and your party’s strengths to your advantage
Lose yourself in an epic story across four exotic underwater kingdoms
Engage in 90+ missions for more than 15 hours of gameplay in the main storyline, plus an expert Pro Mode that doubles the game length and provides extra challenge
Boost your heroes’ abilities with 65+ fun and funky-looking helmets
In their positive review of the Wii U version, The Official Nintendo Magazine called SQUIDS Odyssey “difficult, but charming … a fun and unique, turn-based action game that’s worth spending a few squid on.” NintendoLife praised its “beautiful world and a good sense of humour,” and Nintendo World Report concluded, “In terms of Nintendo eShop titles, you won’t find many others that offer the long hours of gameplay that SQUIDS Odyssey provides.”

The Game Bakers’ SQUIDS games have had more than two million downloads since their 2011 debut on mobile. As the franchise’s first appearance on consoles, SQUIDS Odyssey is the ultimate SQUIDS compilation that includes all content previously released, with tons of improvement and tweaks. Content exclusive to SQUIDS Odyssey includes a new campaign that continues the adventure in the never-before-seen kingdom of Wakame, a new Squid warrior named Oktoku, and four new helmets.

SQUIDS Odyssey can be downloaded for 12.99€ / $14.99 (or equivalent in local currency) from the Nintendo eShop. For more game details, visit:
North America:

This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Shovel Knight
2. Tomodachi Life
3. Kirby’s Dream Land
4. Super Mario Bros. 3
5. Rayman Origins
6. Pokemon Dream Radar
7. Super Mario Bros.
8. Mario Kart 7
9. Cave Story
10. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
11. Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse
12. Gunman Clive
13. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
14. Rayman 3D
15. Pokemon Battle Trozei
16. Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
17. Kirby Triple Deluxe
18. The Legend of Zelda
19. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
20. Electroplankton Rec-Rec


1. Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire E3 2014 Trailer
2. Nintendo Digital Event
3. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Red, Blue, Yellow
4. Pokemon Art Academy E3 2014 Trailer
5. Hyrule Warriors E3 2014 Trailer
6. Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition trailer
7. Shovel Knight eShop Trailer
8. Fossil Fighters: Frontier E3 2014 Trailer
9. LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Trailer
10. Tomodachi Life feat. Christina, Shaq, Shaun & Zendaya
11. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Goddess of Light
12. Mario Maker – E3 2014 Trailer
13. Mario Party 10 – E3 2014 Trailer
14. Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric E3 2014 Trailer
15. How to Train Your Dragon 2 Trailer
16. Yoshi’s Woolly World E3 2014 Trailer
17. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker E3 2014 Trailer
18. Nintendo Treehouse Live: Super Smash Bros. for 3DS 2
19. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Trailer
20. Mario vs. Donkey Kong E3 2014 Video

Source: 3DS eShop


Denpa Ningen no RPG FREE!

Genius Sonority has announced a free-to-play version of The Denpa Men that has players buying certain items. Japan will be receiving the game, titled “Denpa no Ningen RPG FREE!”, on July 23. The official website is located here.

Siliconera has translated a new round of details about Azure Striker Gunvolt. You can find them rounded up below.

– Make new equipment with materials you collect
– Get rewards with materials based on your score and rank
– You’ll earn rewards at the Results Screen after every mission
– Use materials at the Store Screen to make items
– Over 70 equippable items
– 5 ranks at the end of each mission
– C, B, A, S and SS ranks
– Each rank depends on your score
– Each one also comes with a certain amount of materials and credits
– In order to get a higher score, you’ll need to keep an eye on your Kudos and your completion time
– Get a 50% score bonus by setting a new completion time record for a mission
– Equipment examples:

Ring of Flight: Allows GV to jump once in mid-air at the cost of 150 EP
Ring of Double Flight: Allow GV to jump twice in mid-air using 100 EP
Ring of Airwalking: Allows GV to dash in mid-air for 150 EP

Feather Pendant: You start with this item. It allows the use of Afterimage
Pendant of Stoicism: Prevents stun when hit
Pendant of Wrath: Increases Lightning Ring damage, but raises EP cost

Vitality Lenses: Healing and recovery items restore more than usual
Control Lenses: Lightning Ring costs less EP
Prodigy Lenses: Recover SP (Skill Points) faster
Cobra Lenses: Reduces time needed to charge “King Cobra” attacks

– Equip/remove equipment at any time from the Pause Menu
– Game has optional quests that you can complete in each mission
– Doing these will reward you with additional materials and credits
– Can accept up to 3 quests at a time
– All quests are optional
– Won’t be penalized for failing a quest
– Each mission has Medals hidden throughout
– Each Medal you find will give you more materials and credits at the end of the mission


Vblank Entertainment seems to be pleased with Retro City Rampage’s performance on 3DS. Creator Brian Provinciano tweeted today that the game has “done incredibly well” on Nintendo’s portable.

The comment above originated from a larger discussion about reviews:


This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
Gacha Racing – 700 yen
Dokopon Choice Kosumo Ky?dai Vol. 2 11 – 20-kan Pack – 5,400 yen
Dokopon Choice Black Bird Vol. 2 10 – 18-kan Pack – 3,960 yen

Virtual Console

Wii U

Downloadable Titles
Wai Wai! Minna de Shooting Craft Island kara no Dasshutsu! – 1,000 yen

Virtual Console
Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri D?ch? (Famicom) – 514 yen
Quinty (Mendel Palace, Famicom) – 514 yen


Ping 1.5+ developer Christopher Arnold sat down with WiiWareWave to discuss their new title Ping 1.5+ which they hope to have on the Wii U eShop before the end of July. Here’s an extract of the interview:

Why did you choose to develop games for the Wii U?

[Chris]: I’ve always been a Nintendo fan. I also knew they were looking for help from the indie part of the industury to help boost Wii U sales. It seemed like an easier target than SONY or Microsoft. Also, I knew about every single indie game that came onto Wii U and I wasn’t much of an indie gamer, that means games that came out on it got pretty good exposure just by simply being on there. It could be the difference between being unknown and known?

Check out the full interview here

Update 2: Added a DSiWare game, One Piece release date clarified.

Update: Added a Virtual Console game … a WiiWare title of all things!

Nintendo’s North American website lists some of the Nintendo Downloads due out this week. Here’s what’s on tap thus far:

Wii U

One Piece: Unlimited World Red (out next Tuesday)
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (out Wednesday)
Bombing Bastards
Internal Invasion
ZaciSa’s Last Stand

Wii U Virtual Console

Mario Tennis: Power Tour


One Piece: Unlimited World Red (out next Tuesday)
Bike Rider DX2: Galaxy
Glory of Generals
City Mysteries




Mysterious Stars: A Fairy Tale

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