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3DS eShop

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Retail

How to Train Your Dragon 2 (available 6/10)

Wii U Virtual Console

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Wii U Download

1001 Spikes
I’ve Got to Run!

3DS Retail

Tomodachi Life (available 6/6)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (available 6/10)

3DS Download

1001 Spikes
Color Zen

eShop sales

Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars – For a limited time, Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars is available at the discounted price of $29.99 in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS. Select downloadable content from the game is also available at a discounted price. This offer ends at 9 a.m. PT on June 9.

Just Dance Game Sale – For a limited time, save 50 percent on select Just Dance games in the Nintendo eShop on Wii U, including Just Dance® 2014. This offer ends at 9 a.m. PT on June 9.

Bit Boy!! ARCADE – Help Kubi and Bernd through this action-focused time-traveling adventure. Starting today through 9 a.m. PT on June 26, Bit Boy!! ARCADE is 40 percent off in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS.

Treva Entertainment Game Sale – For a limited time, Treva Entertainment is discounting select games in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS, including Riding Stables 3D and Riding Stables 3D: Jumping For the Team. This offer ends at 9 a.m. PT on June 25.

Source: Nintendo PR

QubicGames is bringing out a new AiRace title next week, the studio has revealed. “AiRace Xeno” will launch in both North America and Europe for €2.49 / $2.49 / £2.29.

According to QubicGames, AiRace Xeno offers the following:

It offers 9 completely new levels set in an original and surprising environment and lets the player pilot 3 brand new jets.

Like its predecessor, it delivers a strong immersion full of speed and adrenaline with high-performance graphics and 3D effect.

To celebrate the release of AiRace Xeno, QubicGames’ previous two 3DS eShop titles will be discounted to the following starting on June 12:

AiRace Speed — €2.99 / $2.99 / £2.69 instead of €4.99 / $4.99 / £4.49
2 Fast 4 Gnomz — €2.99 / $2.99 / £2.69 instead of €4.99 / $4.99 / £4.49


This week’s video additions to the Wii U/3DS eShops are as follows:

Wii U

NES Remix 2 – Find Luigi: Super Mario Bros. 2 Stage 11
Child of Light Accolades Trailer 2
Luv Me Buddies Wonderland Trailer
Gravity Badgers Trailer
Ittle Dew Launch Trailer
Klonoa: Empire of Dreams Trailer
Mega Man Xtreme 2 Trailer


NES Remix 2 – Find Luigi: Super Mario Bros. 2 Stage 11
Bit Boy!! Arcade Trailer 2
Child of Light Accolades Trailer 2
Ittle Dew Launch Trailer
Mega Man Xtreme 2 Trailer

Source: Wii U/3DS eShops

This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
A Ressha de Ik? (retail title) – 5,724 yen
A Ressha de Ik? DEMO – FREE
Edge – 400 yen
Dokopon Choice Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai (The World God Only Knows) Vol. 2 11 – 20-kan Pack – 4,400 yen
Dokopon Choice Chihayafuru Vol. 2 11 – 20-kan Pack – 4,400 yen
Dokopon Choice Black Bird Vol. 1 1 – 9-kan Pack – 3,960 yen
Card Fight!! Vanguard – Lock On Victory (retail title) – 5,122 yen (from 6/5)
Card Fight!! Vangaurd – Lock On Victory DEMO – FREE
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (retail title) – 6,980 yen (from 6/5)
T?zoku to 1,000-biki no Pokémon (The Band of Thieves and 1,000 Pokémon) – FREE (from 6/5 to 9/30)
Steel Empire DEMO – FREE

Virtual Console

Wii U

Downloadable Titles
Edge – 400 yen

Virtual Console
Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ry? to Hikari no Tsurugi (Famicom) – 514 yen
Kage no Densetsu (The Legend of Kage, Famicom) – 514 yen
T?hoku Daigaku Mirai Kagaku Gijutsu Ky?d? Kenky? Center Kawashima Ry?ta Ky?ju Kansh? N? o Kitaeru Otona no DS Training (Brain Age, Nintendo DS) – FREE (until 6/30)

The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokemon is out now in Japan. As reported by Serebii, the game only takes up 579 blocks. That amounts to 72.3MB – small for sure!


This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. 3D Classics: Kirby’s Adventure
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Mega Man Xtreme 2
4. Mega Man V
5. Pushmo
6. Kirby Triple Deluxe
7. Pokemon Dream Radar
8. Mario Kart 7
9. Super Mario Bros.
10. Crashmo
11. Mega Man Xtreme
12. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
13. Moon Chronicles
14. Pokemon Battle Trozei
15. Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
16. Mario Golf: World Tour
17. Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
18. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
19. Zelda: Oracle of Ages
20. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked


1. Photos with Mario Trailer
2. Mario Kart 8 – Lightning Bolt Test
3. Tomodachi Life TV Commercial with Sarah & Surprise Guest
4. Play Nintendo – Super Smash Bros. Invitational @ E3 2014
5. Mario Kart 8 – Crazy Plunge Test
6. Tomodachi Life Direct 4/10/14
7. Mario Kart 8 – Piranha Plant Test
8. Tomodachi Life TV Commercial with Ryan & Andy
9. Moon Chronicles Gameplay Trailer
10. Introducing Tomodachi Life!
11. Mario Kart 8 – Super Horn Test
12. Tomodachi Life – Lily & Special Musical Guest, Debby Ryan
13. Club Nintendo – Mario Kart 8 Promotion
14. Tomodachi Life TV Commercial
15. Mario Kart 8 – Boomerang Flower Test
16. Mario Kart 8 – Upside Down Test
17. Mario Kart 8 Direct 4/30/14
18. Alien On The Run Trailer
19. Nintendo Minute – Mario Kart 8 Favorite Courses
20. Mario Kart 8: Bye-Bye Blue Trailer

Source: 3DS eShop


Coming to the eShop in just a couple of weeks, it was revealed that Pokemon Art Academy will cost 3909 yen when it launches. No word on the Western pricing has been revealed as of yet.


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