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3DS eShop

This week’s video additions to the Wii U/3DS eShops are as follows:

Wii U

Wii Fit U Testimonial – Lisa Douglas
Wii Fit U Testimonial – T.J. Smith
Wii Fit U Testimonial – Katie Wilson
Wii Fit U Testimonial – Sugar Jones
Wii Fit U Meter Overview Video
Wii Fit U – Fit Meter Trailer
Remix I Stage 17: Go and Rescue Mario!
Zelda: A Link to the Past Trailer
Blok Drop U Trailer
Remix I Stage 1: Invincible Mario!
Remix I Stage 4: Get all the coins!
Bravely Default – Gameplay Trailer


Wii Fit U Testimonial – Lisa Douglas
Wii Fit U Testimonial – T.J. Smith
Wii Fit U Testimonial – Katie Wilson
Wii Fit U Testimonial – Sugar Jones
Wii Fit U Meter Overview Video
Wii Fit U – Fit Meter Trailer
Remix I Stage 17: Go and Rescue Mario!
One Piece: Romance Dawn Trailer
Nintendo 3DS – Activity Log
Nintendo 3DS – AR Games
Nintendo 3DS – Face Raiders
Nintendo 3DS – Home Menu
Nintendo 3DS – Mii Maker
Nintendo 3DS – Nintendo Network ID
Nintendo 3DS – StreetPass
Remix I Stage 1: Invincible Mario!
Remix I Stage 4: Get all the coins!
Bravely Default – Gameplay Trailer

Source: Wii U/3DS eShops

One new game has been confirmed for the Japanese 3DS Virtual Console. Final Fantasy II (Famicom) will be out on February 12. Pricing is set at 500 yen.

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Believe it or not, Mighty No. 9 will be seeing a live action adaptation of some kind.

Tim Carter, writer and producer over at Contradiction Films, told The Electric Playground that he’s currently working on the story. It’s unclear if the project will be a web series, film, or something else entirely.

Carter stated:

“We are building the story right now. Inafune-san created [Mega Man], and he has now created Mighty Number 9. We don’t have the rights to Mega Man, obviously, but we are working with him on a live action adaptation of it.”

On the topic of Keiji Inafune, Carter said, “I was a little apprehensive about it at first until I got his notes, and thought ‘Dude, you should be working at Pixar!'”

Source, Via

Gargoyle’s Quest II: The Demon Darkness has been rated by the OFLC. That should hint at a new Virtual Console release, though Capcom hasn’t made any official announcements as of yet. Since the Game Boy version of Gargoyle’s Quest II never launched outside of Japan, OFLC’s rating likely pertains to the NES version.

Source, Via

AeternoBlade’s launch in the US shouldn’t be too far off. The game’s official Facebook page confirmed earlier today that Nintendo of America approved the title, and all that’s left is determining a release date.

A look at the message in full:


Pokemon Bank (and Poke Transporter) finally launched in Europe today. North America still doesn’t have access to the application, but it sounds like the wait won’t be too much longer.

The official Pokemon Twitter account sent out a message a short while ago confirming that players in the states “will be able to introduce their Pokémon to the Kalos region soon”.

The note in full:


After a month-long delay, Nintendo’s Pokémon Bank app is finally available on the European and Australian 3DS eShop. For the low price of absolutely nothing (plus a subscription fee), those in PAL regions can now transfer their beloved Rattatas from the fifth generation Pokémon titles to Pokémon X/Y.

Will the popularity of the application cause the eShop to crash yet again? Will Pokémon Bank also make it to the American eShop this week? Will my internet connection ever be stable enough to actually download the bloody thing? Stay tuned to Nintendo Everything for more details.

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