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This item was detected in the Japanese Super Smash Bros. 3DS demo. It should be in the final 3DS game as well as in the Wii U version!

After the weed is plucked, it gives the player random stuff like health or even an item.

Source 1, Source 2



A few more Mega Evolutions have been revealed in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire through the latest issue of CoroCoro magazine. Mega Gallade, Mega Sharpedo and Mega Camerupt have all been confirmed. Mega Sharpedo has the Strong Jaw ability and Mega Camerupt has the Sheer Force ability. It’s looking like the game’s signature legendaries, Primal Kyogre and Primall Groudon will also have new abilities with Kyogre spouting the brand new Land of Beginnings and Groudon with Land of Endings. Both will trigger an effect known as Strong Rain and Strong Sunlight though it’s unknown what implication this will have on gameplay.


Now today’s screenshot is a tease and a half! Sakurai talks about the demo on the Japanese eShop perhaps coming outside of the region?

and that’s not all:


The only mode available on the demo version is Smash, but I also left open a feature called Tips. Just remember to tap that button. You’ll figure the rest out once you do.


With the demo now officially live in Japan, the internet has tonnes of gameplay footage for us to feast our eyes on. We’ll post everything we find after the jump so it’s all in one spot (be warned though, a few more embedded links than usual!)

As if today’s Smash demo wasn’t enough, today info came by way of the latest CoroCoro magazine that Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will also be getting their own demo. Those that purchase the latest issue of Shonen Sunday magazine (due out October 15th) will get a serial code granting access to the trial version of the Pokemon remakes, which will give players the choice of a Grovyle, Combusken or Marhstomp to progress through the demo with, the end reward being a Mega Evolution. No word on whether this promo is exclusive to Shonen Sunday or whether or not it will go public on the eShop at a later date


Dragon Quest X players on 3DS have been experiencing issues with the game. As such, Square Enix has temporarily halted further shipments.

While problems are being examined and Square Enix is close to reaching a solution, it may be still difficult to log in during peak times. Due to cloud streaming, there has been sound skipping as well. The sound issue was reduced somewhat with maintenance that was carried out yesterday and the developers will address the problem in further maintenance periods. These problems are only affecting the 3DS version since it uses cloud technology unlike the Wii U, Wii, and PC releases.

Square Enix says it underestimated the capacity needed to support all simultaneous players for the 3DS version. In order to allow for a smoother experience for existing players on Nintendo’s handheld, the company is cancelling further shipments of the game temporarily. Small shipments will pick up on September 11.

Square Enix plans to give free playtime as compensation for those who have already registered some playtime until the game can be properly experienced during peak hours.


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