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GameXplain posted a new video today that compares the two versions of Super Mario Maker: Wii U and 3DS. Have a look at it below.

The Alliance Alive will release in Japan on March 30, FuRyu revealed during a live stream event in Japan today. The game will cost 6,280 yen.

Famitsu intends to showcase the game during a live stream on December 8. Additionally, on December 23, director/producer Masataka Matsuura will be on hand to talk more about the RPG.


If you intend to pick up Super Mario Maker for 3DS on Friday, you may want to grab the game’s first update from the eShop. Indeed: version 1.01 is already live. So long as you have 158 blocks (19.75 MB) of free space available, you should be able to download it.

Super Mario Maker for 3DS version 1.01 isn’t a minor update. In fact, you’ll need it in order to access the Course World. Without it, you won’t be able to play the Recommended Courses or 100 Mario Challenge modes.

Thanks to jikes10 for the tip.

Update: The Meloetta distribution has now started in North America.

Original: Those in Europe can now partake in the latest distribution for Pokemon X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire. Meloetta can be downloaded through December 24. Visit the Mystery Gift section, then Receive Gift, and finally “Get Via Internet” to obtain Meloetta.

The distribution is also coming to North America soon. It’s expected to go live later today, so we’ll let you know when that happens.


Nintendo is getting into the holiday spirit with a new 3DS theme. Those in Japan can now download the “Mario Winter Wonderland” design for their home menu.

Here’s a look at the theme:

Today’s new theme costs 200 yen. It’s not available in the west yet, but that should be changing very soon.


Super Mario Maker for 3DS is on track for release in just two more days. Another round of gameplay is below with two hours of footage.

System: 3DS
Release date: December 2, 2016
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher Nintendo

Last September Nintendo graced us with a Mario fan’s dream when Super Mario Maker released for the Wii U. It gave veterans, newcomers, and creatives alike the power to build Mario levels at their own accord and release their inner Shigeru Miyamoto, as well as play brand new courses designed directly by Nintendo and gamers from around the world. Now the 3DS version of the game – revealed just a few months ago during a Nintendo Direct – is here for all to experience, and while it is identical in many ways, there are some things that differentiate it from its home console counterpart that alter the experience, for better or for worse.

Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon have become the fastest-selling games that Nintendo has ever launched in the Americas, the company announced today. The two titles have collectively sold 3.7 million units in under two weeks.

Pokemon Sun/Moon experienced an 85 percent increase over Poekmon X/Y. Previously, X/Y held the records as Nintendo’s fastest-selling games during the same period.

It’s also worth mentioning that Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon were the most pre-ordered games in Nintendo history.

Today’s full announcement can be read below.

Early reviews for Super Mario Maker on 3DS are in, with Nintendo lifting the embargo earlier today. We’ve rounded up some of the early verdicts below.

Nintendo Everything – “Thumbs Sideway”
IGN – 7.2 / 10
GameXplain – “Meh”
USGamer – 4 / 5
Nintendo Life – 9 / 10
Nintendo World Report – 7 / 10
Videogamer – 8 / 10
GameReactor – 9 / 10
Game Informer – 7.75 / 10
GamesRadar – 4 / 5
DigitalSpy – 3.5 / 5

This week’s Famitsu scans are now available. Highlighted games include Megami Meguri, Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters, Super Mario Maker for 3DS, and All Kamen Rider: Rider Revolution. Scans of all titles can be found below.

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