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On Wednesday, The Forbidden Arts will be launching on the Switch eShop. Take a look at some early footage in the video below.

At Evo 2019 today, Arc System Works, Aksys Games, and French Bread made a brand new announcement. Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] is on the way, the three companies revealed.

Platforms were not officially confirmed. That being said, this was previously leaked through a rating in Taiwan back in May, which indicated a Switch release.

Here’s the full announcement:

During E3, Yacht Club Games kindly took time out of their busy schedule to meet with us for a one-on-one interview. Among the topics we discussed, pixel artist and animator Sandy Gordon revealed a design philosophy to Nintendo Everything which they made ample use of throughout development of the upcoming Shovel Knight: King of Cards expansion.

Our full interview will be going live soon, but until then you can learn a little more by checking below.

Yesterday, the ZX Spectrum game Saboteur II: Avenging Angel was added to the Switch eShop. Take a look at some footage below.

Amazon is running a sale on a couple of notable Switch titles. Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Resident Evil Triple Pack are both $10 off. They’re both on Amazon here.

Dragon Quest XI S launches September 27, followed by Resident Evil Triple Pack on October 29.

It’s been made pretty clear that Fire Emblem: Three Houses is doing very well in the UK thus far. Further backing that up is an interesting sales tidbit. At launch, Fire Emblem: Three Houses sold around 15 times higher than Radiant Dawn, a previous console entry in the series.

We had also heard a few days ago that Fire Emblem: Three Houses topped the charts in its first week. It sold almost double the launch sales of Fire Emblem Awakening, and more than double the combined sales of the Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright / Conquest.


My Nintendo has updated with new rewards in North America. These include an Astral Chain calendar, discounts, and 3DS themes.

Below is the full set of additions:

Cadence of Hyrule received a 1.0.2 update this week. While we learned about some of the additions already, Brace Yourself Games has now shared the full, official patch notes.

Here’s the full rundown:

Fire Emblem Heroes has updated with a number of new and returning events. These include Grand Hero Battle featuring Kronya from Three Houses and plenty more.

Here’s the full rundown:

During the Dragon Quest Summer Festival 2019, Square Enix held a special stage show for Dragon Quest XI S. It was revealed at the event that a demo for the Switch RPG will be released.

Data from the demo can be transferred to the full game, and Square Enix will offer a Skill Seed as a bonus. A special Erdrick card can also be obtained for Dragon Quest Rivals on Switch.

A date for the demo will be shared sometime in the future. That should be announced soon, as the game is due out worldwide on September 27.

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