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Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Primordial Malzeno

Capcom announced today that Primordial Malzeno will be added to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak as part of a final bonus update. The patch goes live on June 8, 2023.

Primordial Malzeno was introduced during one last presentation for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreakjust moments ago. This will be the game’s final monster. Amatsu was actually originally planned as the final monster, but that wasn’t the case after all.

No Man's Sky Singularity update version 4.30

Hello Games just announced a Singularity update for No Man’s Sky, which is the community expedition ten for the game. This will run for about five weeks.

The event has players exploring a harmonic camp, nestled among the purple-hazed mountains of Ahei XV. The narrative-heavy journey comprises the second chapter of the story introduced in Interceptor. Some exclusive rewards can be obtained as well.

Below are the full patch notes for the No Man’s Sky “Singularity” update (version 4.30):

Eastern Exorcist

Publisher Bilibili and developer Wildfire Game are putting Eastern Exorcist on Switch, the two sides announced today. A release is planned for June 8, 2023.

Eastern Exorcist initially launched in 2021. The side-scrolling action RPG takes place in a fantasy eastern world with vicious spirits and monsters.

Here’s an official overview:

Octopath Traveler II sales milestone million

Square Enix has shared a new sales milestones for Octopath Traveler II. Since launch, total shipments and digital sales for the RPG have surpassed one million units worldwide.

That news was shared in an official tweet today. A special piece of art was posted to celebrate, which we have above.

Octopath Traveler II initially released for Switch on February 24, 2023.


Enclave HD release date

Ziggurat Interactive has finally announced a release date for Enclave HD. The updated version of the hack and slash retro title, published under license of TopWare Interactive, is due out for Switch on June 29, 2023.

Enclave HD was originally announced for Switch back in 2021 and was planned for fall of that year. It was eventually moved to Summer 2022. After a couple of delays, the title is just on the horizon.

A new update has been released for Sixtar Gate: Startrail, bringing the game to version 1.0.007. This update adds thirteen additional songs to the game. For a full tracklist, see below:

A new update has been announced for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R, which will bring the game up to version 2.0.0. This will be released on June 11 in North America and June 12 in Europe and Japan, and brings an extensive number of changes and adjustments to various characters’ moves. Full details can be found below:

Hamster has revealed the latest Arcade Archives game for Switch, which will be Transcendent Lovers Bella Bowman.

First released in 1988 by Bandai Namco, the game sees you take the role of an ordinary salaryman who must save the world from Dr. Bakuta by transforming into the titular Bella Bowman. The game is a side-scrolling action title, and will be available on June 8, 2023 worldwide via the eShop.

LEGO 2K Drive

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Fire Emblem Heroes New Heroes & Mythic Heiðr

New Heroes & Mythic Heiðr has been announced as the latest summoning event for Fire Emblem Heroes. Fir: Swordmaiden (voiced by Liv Strander, art by kiyu), Noah: Mercenary-Errant (voiced by Aaron Dismuke, art by nekomochi), Dorothy: Devoted Archer (voiced by Bindy Coda, art by kawasumi), and Heiðr: Innocent Goddess (art by Alice Himora, art by Yoshiku) make up the lineup this time.

Fir can learn the skills Vassal-Saint Steel, Glimmer, Atk/Spd Finish 4, Phys. Null Follow, and Atk/Spd Oath 4. Noah has Ilian Merc Lance, Luna, Flow Guard 3, and Alarm Spd/Def. Dorothy is capable of learning Defier’s Bow+, Ardent Sacrifice, Spd/Res Ideal 3, and Atk/Res Oath 3. Finally, Heiðr’s skills are Heiðr, Gold Serpent, Remote Sparrow, Mag. Null Follow, and Panic Smoke 4.

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