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Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are back with another Feh Channel presentation for Fire Emblem Heroes. It covers Golden Week activities, Sigurd: Fated Holy Knight for a Legendary Hero summoning event, and the next update planned for May 6.

Here’s the full video:

A new Summoning Focus is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. Here are the details:

Heroes with Bonfire skills are featured as part of a 5-star summoning focus! Heroes with Bonfire have their Special damage boosted by 50% of their Def. Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!


Fire Emblem Heroes - Book V

Fire Emblem Heroes gets some new content today, firstly a new Tactics Drills Map, Childhood Royals: Skill Studies.

Additionally, the latest Pawns of Loki event has just entered Round 2 until April 24, and new Pawns of Loki quests will be available until that date.

Dragalia Lost has added new story to its campaign with Chapter 19: Hidden Truths. This is only part 1 of the chapter, and it comes with new Draconic essences for the following dragons:

・Gaibhne & Creidhne
・Corsaint Phoenix

The brand new battle area Legendary Arena: Tornadus has gone live in Pokemon Masters EX. This allows players to do missions with Tornadus to earn exclusive medals. 

Also live now is the Water and Electric-Type egg event that distributes these types of Pokemon eggs to players. Players just have to talk to Professor Bellis and she’ll give them eggs that have the chance to hatch:

According to a new report from Sensor Tower, Mario Kart Tour has surpassed 200 million downloads worldwide. The mobile title has also earned $200 million in player spending.

Other highlights from Sensor Tower include:

Nintendo has prepared a trailer for the new Sydney Tour in Mario Kart Tour, which just went live today. View the video below.

Mario Kart Tour is currently available on iOS and Android devices.

Pokemon Cafe Mix has refreshed its content by adding over 30 new stages to the game. They’re live now in-game to play through.

Also live now is Gengar’s Special Customer event. Gengar will be available to recruit as a Special Customer until May 5, 2021.


Check out the latest events in Dragalia Lost:

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