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The new Mega Man: Chaos Protocol event kicked off in Dragalia Lost today. Check out some footage of what’s included below.

As of now, the Voting Gauntlet: Battle of Brawn event is live. Players can battles to increase their army’s score and complete quests to earn in-game rewards such as Orbs, Sacred Coins, and Refining Stones.
There will also new weapons and skills available to be refined soon, Nightly Lance (Mathilda: Legendary Knight), Arthur’s Axe (Arthur: Hapless Hero), Lordly Lance (Clive: Idealistic Knight), and Resolute Blade (Mia: Lady of Blades.)

Another piece of good news is that anyone that joined the Google Play Points program in the US can now exchange points for Orbs in Fire Emblem Heroes. Points earned in other games can be exchanged for Orbs as well. For more info, check out the Google Play Points program through the Google Play Store.

The Winter Tour is still live, with Santa Mario being available until 12/31. The London Tour will arrive on 12/3, bringing with it more courses and two new characters. You can take a look at the gallery below for teaser images for the next arrivals to the game.

The Mega Man: Chaos Protocol has arrived in Dragalia Lost. Players can increase their friendship with Mega Man, a 5★ adventurer who appears in the event, to permanently add him to their team. You can check out the official website for more detailed event information here.

The previously announced Mythic Hero Summoning Focus for Altina: Dawn’s Trueblade is now live. In addition to Altina, the following Heroes are the 5-star focus units: Marth: Hero-King, Sothis: Girl on the Throne, Duma: God of Strength, Tiki: Legendary Dragon, Fjorm: Princess of Ice, Lyn: Lady of the Wind, Julia: Crusader of Light, Laevatein: Bonfire’s Blaze, Yarne: Timid Taguel, Gunnthrá: Beaming Smile and Fjorm: Bride of Rime. The Summoning Focus will be available until December 5.

For the same period, the Mythic Hero Battle featuring Altina will be available, as well as reruns of the Mythic Hero Battles for Sothis and Duma and the Legendary Hero Battles for Julia, Martha, Tiki and Lyn. Clear these at varying difficulties to get orbs, blessings and accessories.

Since tomorrow is Black Friday, three special packs are available to purchase. They are as follows:

  • Black Friday Orb Pack: 25 Orbs
  • Black Friday Winter Prep Pack: 50 Orbs, 5-star Tharja: Normal Girl, 30,000 Universal Crystal, 6,000 Universal Shards
  • Black Friday Pair Up Pack: 143 Orbs, 5-star Roy: Blazing Lion, 900 Aether Stones

Prices vary by country and operating system. Each pack can only be purchased once. The packs will be available to buy until December 5.

Finally, since it’s Thursday, a new map has been added to Tactics Drills.”Guardian and Dancer” can be found in the Skill Studies section; clearing it gets you 300 feathers.

Nintendo and Cygames have posted the official event intro for the new Mega Man event in Dragalia Lost. View it below.

With the conclusion of this evening’s maintenance, the Gala Dragalia event has arrived. This brings limited-time adventurer Gala Elisanne to the fray, as well as a free daily tenfold summon for all players who login. Tomorrow brings the arrival of the Mega Man crossover event, so there’s a lot to catch up on in Dragalia Lost. Check out the tweet below for a peek at Gala Elisanne.

The Sync Scout for Grimsley & Liepard is now available with the pair as a featured 5★. The pair will have a sync move called Card Shark Night Slash, and the animation can be seen after the break, along with a trailer for Giovanni’s upcoming event.

Grand Hero Battle Revival – Haar: Black Tempest has kicked off in Fire Emblem Heroes. The event features Haar: Black Tempest, a character from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

Players can add the nonchalant hero to their team by participating. A few limited-time quests are also included.

Haar: Black Tempest will run in Fire Emblem Heroes until December 4.

Starting at 10PM (PT) on 11/27, a Gala Dragalia event will be arriving featuring Gala Elisanne. Additionally, there will be a daily free tenfold summon event, which will allow you to perform a tenfold summon on the applicable summon showcases for free once per day starting at the same time. You can take a look at the promotional video for Gala Elisanne below:

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