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Nintendo Switch Online

The latest update for Nintendo Switch Online is out now. On both iOS and Android, version 1.5.2 has gone live.

Both platforms have implemented bug fixes. Also, Nintendo says that it has implemented the voice chat experience for Android 9 devices.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have just published a new Feh Channel presentation for Fire Emblem Heroes.

Here are some of the highlights:

The latest Voting Gauntlet is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. Beach Ballot Battle pits characters with beach outfits against each other. The first-round matchups are as follows:

  • Laegjarn: Burning Sun vs Lyn: Lady of the Beach
  • Laevatein: Bonfire’s Blaze vs Wolt: Sunbeam Archer
  • Helbindi: Seaside Scourge vs Lilina: Beachside Bloom
  • Gunnthrá: Beaming Smile vs Ursula: Clear-Blue Crow

The Voting Gauntlet will run until August 7.

Also, since it’s Thursday, Tactics Drills has been updated. Two maps have been added: clearing “The Beginning” in Skill Studies gets you 300 feathers; clearing “A Knight’s Mercy” in the Grandmaster section gets you one orb.

Pokemon GO

As part of its latest set of Japanese commercials, The Pokemon Company revealed a new milestone for Pokemon GO. The mobile title has been downloaded over one billion times since launch.

Here’s the full set of adverts:

Cygames has confirmed a new Summer-themed Summon Showcase for Dragalia Lost that will go live tomorrow, July 31st — titled A Splash of Adventure.

The new Showcase is set to last until August 14th and features a couple of Adventurers in swimsuits. A corresponding Raid Event has also been confirmed. More details and a trailer can be viewed below.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced that Girl on the Throne Sothis will be added to Fire Emblem Heroes as a new Mythic Hero. This is the latest collaboration for Fire Emblem Heroes.

The upcoming event will be taking place between July 31 and August 6. View a trailer for Sothis below.

Niantic has announced that Rayquaza will be appearing in Pokemon GO this week. The creature can be encountered in Raid Battles starting July 31 at 1 PM. Players may spot a Shiny Rayquaza if they’re lucky.

Rayquaza is a Dragon- and Flying-type Legendary Pokemon. It is weak to Rock-, Dragon-, and Fairy-type attacks, not to mention having a quadruple weakness to Ice-type attacks.

Rayquaza can be found in Pokemon GO five-star raids until September 2.


Fire Emblem Heroes will be getting its next update sometime in August. Four new weapon refines will be added in that update:

  • Selena’s Blade for Selena: Cutting Wit
  • Beruka’s Axe for Beruka: Quiet Assassin
  • Book of Orchids for Mae: Bundle of Energy
  • Inscribed Tome for Boey: Skillful Survivor

Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 8 has kicked off in Fire Emblem Heroes. 5-star Heroes who appeared before the start of Book II are here. Focus Heroes have an initial appearance rate of 4%!

It’s also been announced that Voting Gauntlet: Beach Ballot Battle is starting soon – specifically August 1. Players can train up the Hero they wish to support and prepare for the event’s arrival.

Summoning Focus: Heroes with Close Def Skills is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. A trio of Heroes with Close Def skills are available as part of a 5-star summoning focus. These characters have up to Def/Rest+6 during combat if their foes initiates combat and uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage.

You’ll be able to participate in Summoning Focus: Heroes with Close Def Skills until August 5.

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