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Pokemon GO is bringing back its Water Festival later today. Starting at 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET / 9 PM in the UK / 10 PM in Europe, Water-type Pokemon will appear more frequently. Some Trainers may even encounter a rare Shiny Shellder for the very first time. Field Research tasks highlighting Water-type Pokemon will be live as well.

During the Water Festival, you’ll be able to earn 3x Stardust for catching Water-type Pokemon. 2 km Eggs will hatch Pokemon such as Totodile, Mudkip, and Corphish as well. For each Egg hatched, you can earn Double Candy and Stardust.

Lastly, Raid Battles will feature powerful Water-type Pokemon, including the return of Kyogre. You may encounter its Shiny form if you prevail while battling the Legendary Pokemon.


A quick update on Fire Emblem Heroes: Gunnthrá has won the Heroes & Legends Voting Gauntlet, beating Alfonse in the final round. No matter which team you supported, make sure to claim your feathers by accessing the Voting Gauntlet in the Events section.

Fire Emblem Heroes is hosting a new Bound Hero Battle featuring Seliph and Julia. Take a look at some footage of the event below.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has kicked off the second half of the Digby’s Artful Retreat. Players will find a new kind of flower as well as new tasks. More rewards can be unlocked by helping Digby collect bumblecubes.

In other news, the Artful Retreat Pack is still available for purchase. The pack holds items that will help you capture bumblecubes.

Two new t-shirts are now available in Pokemon GO. Along with a design for Mew, there’s also one for Latias and Latios.

Both shirts costs 250 PokeCoins each. They can be worn by both genders.

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Fire Emblem Heroes’ recent retweet event for the Feh Doll accessory was a success. In addition to the doll, the Enigmatic Mask worn by Masked Marth will also be sent out as a gift to all players. Both accessories will be sent out once update 2.6.0 hits on June 8th.

The inaugural Pokemon GO Fest did not go as planned. Many issues affected the event, leaving attendees unable to participate in activities.

A year later, Niantic will be paying $1,575,000 stemming from a Pokemon GO Fest lawsuit. Attendees can find information about how to receive payment here.

Niantic will be giving Pokemon GO Fest another try when it returns to Chicago next month. The company says it has learned from last year’s mistakes, and will attempt to avoid similar problems this time around. 


Fire Emblem Heroes has been updated with the latest content. Players can earn Orbs, Hero Feathers, Great Badges, and more in Heroes & Legends quests. Bridge of Water has also been added as the latest Blessed Gardens map.

We’ll also remind folks that Special Maps: Rival Domains had its usual update yesterday. You can earn a bonus for taking down enemies with infantry allies.

A few outlets were able to participate in a conference call around the reveal of Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee. Director Junichi Masuda commented on the games further during the conversation.

Speaking about being based around Pokemon Yellow as well as synergy with Pokemon GO, Masuda said:

Amazon Germany is taking pre-orders for a few new Pokemon products. Along with the Poke Ball Plus, Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu / Eevee can be reserved.

Everything is available here. Unfortunately, Poke Ball Plus doesn’t appear to ship to the US.

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