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A new Pokemon GO update is now officially live on both iOS and Android. For the former platform, the game has been updated to version 1.45.0. Android users have access to version 0.75.0.

Patch notes are as follows:

– Items received from spinning Gym PokéStops and completing Raid Battles are now displayed in the Journal.
– Improved Pokémon Collection screen search functionality enables Trainers to search using “Defender” and “Legendary.”
– Resolved a bug that caused Pikachu hats to disappear from the in-game model and icon.
– Resolved a bug that caused some icons to disappear when scrolling through the Pokédex.
– Various bug fixes and performance updates.

In other Pokemon GO news, players can begin wearing a free Global Goals shirt in the game. Here’s a quick look:

Source: App Store / Google Play

Another new Fire Emblem Heroes update is now available today with a new summoning focus. This focus is based around heroes with Death Blow. The characters in the focus are Effie, Hawkeye and Klein, they will be available until October 3rd. Also daily training tower quests are available for you to reap more rewards.

A number of new items have been added to Miitomo. Among the selection you’ll find in the app, the following are now available:

– Deluxe earmuffs
– Knotted shirt + striped maxi dress
– Cuffed polka dot high-tops

These items can be obtained by using Miitomo coins in Miitomo Shop.


Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“Folklore in the forest! Fairy Fashion” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:

– Forest fairy wig (set)
– Forest fairy top (set)
– Forest fairy skirt (set)
– Forest fairy shoes (set)
– Butterfly fairy top (set)
– Butterfly fairy shorts (set)
– Butterfly fairy boots (set)
– Butterfly fairy wings (set)
– Flower fairy set( set)
– Flower fairy sandals (set)
– Flower fairy wings (set)
– Fairy friend

The returning stage will be available until September 19 at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET.


Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes added in new content today comprised of the Diabolical Bloodline story and maps. View some footage of the update below.

The newest summoning focus is now live for Fire Emblem Heroes. The focus includes Oscar, Nephenee and Elincia from Path of Radiance. New story chapters and quests featuring the new characters have also gone live. Finally, prepare yourself for the Black Knight, Ike’s nemesis.

A small update has gone out for Magikarp Jump. If you’ve downloaded the app, 1.3.2 is now available. No new features have been added – it’s just bug fixes this time around.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find a new stage, along with some brand new items.

“Fairy-tale favorites! Little Red Riding Hood #1” is the new stage. It includes the following:

– Little Red Riding Hood hood
– Little Red Riding Hood sweatshirt
– Wolf pal
– Little Red Riding Hood outfit

And as far as the new items go, you can nab the following:

– Patchwork sneakers
– Striped scarf
– Patched denim coveralls


Nintendo has released a new trailer for the “Dauntless Crimeans” summoning event that is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes tomorrow. The three new heroes coming to the game are Nepehenee, Oscar, and Elincia from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Also a new Story Chapter called “Diabolical Bloodline” will also be added tomorrow as well.

You can check out the trailer below.

Pokemon Duel received a new 4.0.3 update today. Alongside that, the first Alola figures have been added.

They are as follows:

– EX Figures: Tapu Koko, Vikavolt, Magnezone
– R Figures: Magneton, Electrode
– UC Figures: Grubbin, Charjabug, Oricorio Pom-Pom Style

Finally, a special 10 pack booster has also been released with a guaranteed EX or UX drop.


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