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Pokemon GO is kicking off a series of Egg-themed promos.

First, a greater variety of Pokemon can now be found in 2 km Eggs. Also, when any of your Eggs hatches, you’ll be given more Candy. Lucky Eggs will be 50 percent off in the in-game shop as well. Finally, players can earn double XP for all activities during this time.

The Pokemon GO Eggstravaganza begins today, and will last until April 20.


Super Mario Run’s Loads of Coins event is up and running again. If you win at Road Tally, you’ll receive 1.5 times as many coins as usual. It lasts until April 24.

Update: Serebii now reports that the balance updates for Venusaur, Drapion, Bulbasaur, and Weezing are included. Eleven new figures were added to the Boosters as well.

More details:

– The three EX figures are Virizion, Sceptile, and Trevenant
– Rare figures are Grovyle, Lilligant & Crobat
– The UC figures are Skorupi, Swellow, Chikorita, Phantump & Petilil
– Four new Plates, focusing on Grass, Flying, Bug & Ghost-type Pokemon
– Orange Time Booster added that may appear through League Matches until April 26; guaranteed to hold Grass-type or Poison-type Pokemon
– A Sextuple Booster that gives 6 figures with at least one guaranteed EX until April 19 for 300 Gems is available

Original: Pokemon Duel’s latest update is here. There may not be much to it, but version 3.0.6 can now be downloaded. The update notes merely state that bugs have been fixed.

While that may not be terribly exciting, Pokemon GO should be receiving a balance patch very, very soon. You can read about all of the details here.


Nintendo has released a trailer showing new characters that are on the way to Fire Emblem Heroes. On April 14, the game will be adding Alm, Clair, Lukas, and Faye. A new Paralogue, “World of Shadows” will be available on the same day.

Here’s the video:

With the new Sacred Seals feature being added to Fire Emblem Heroes, the game now features some Quests and log-in bonuses running until April 28. By completing various Quests, players can earn Sacred Seals, as well as a few characters and orbs. Furthermore, until the event ends, players can earn 2 Orbs each day as a log-in bonus.

Furthermore, the rewards for the Voting Gauntlet have now been distributed: by logging in, players will recieve 20 Orbs, 5 of each Great Badge, and 5,000 Universal Crystals.

The latest patch for Fire Emblem Heroes has led dataminers to uncover more Heroes, who will be characters from the upcoming Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. The characters Alm, Lukas, Faye, and Clair all appear to be coming to the mobile game, along with a paralogue featuring them. It’s uncertain when these will go live, but it stands to reason that it will be soon, to coincide with Fire Emblem Echoes’ release on April 20. Full artwork for all the characters can be viewed in a gallery below:

Source, Source

Miitomo has been updated with new content. Players can nab the latest items in the Miitomo Drop stage, “Folklore in the forest! Fairy Fashion #2”.

Available items include:

– Butterfly fairy top (set)
– Butterfly fairy shorts (set)
– Butterfly fairy boots (set)
– Butterfly fairy wings (set)

Users can select Miitomo Drop stages from the Shop tab. Miitomo coins or game tickets are needed to play.


Nintendo has distributed the new Fire Emblem Heroes update, bringing the game up to version 1.2.0. It’s out now on both iOS and Android.

Below are the patch notes:

Pokemon Duel is getting a major balance patch tomorrow. Several figures will be changed in fairly significant ways.


  • Gets the ability Chemical Pollen, which MP-1 to all Poisoned or Noxious Pokemon while Venusaur is on the field


  • Replaced Toxic with Venom Whip, which has a larger wheel size
  • Replaced Bite with Toxic Fang, which has a power of 50
  • Increased Cross Poison’s power from 60 to 70
  • Miss wheel size decreased


  • Poison Powder wheel size increased
  • Replaced Vine Whip with Seed Bomb, which has a power of 50 and a larger wheel size
  • Miss wheel size decreased


  • Poison Gas’ strength increased from 1 star to 2 stars
  • Increased Sludge Bomb’s power from 40 to 50
  • Miss wheel size decreased

Finally, the ability Ghost Sensor is being changed.


Nintendo has distributed a new update for Miitomo on both iOS and Android. For both platforms, versions 2.2.2 is available.

Nintendo is keeping somewhat quiet on the specifics for today’s patch. The notes only state that it implements feature improvements.


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