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Switch eShop

Worm Jazz

Worm Jazz, a puzzle game from Inconspicuous Creations, reaches Switch today. View some footage in the video below.

Worm Jazz is being distributed for Switch via the eShop.


GameTomo has prepared a new trailer for its narrative adventure game Sumire in celebration of Tokyo Game Show Online 2020. We have it below.

A release window for Sumire has not yet been announced.

Breakpoint footage

Posted on 4 years ago by in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments


Breakpoint is coming to Switch this week, take a closer look at gameplay with the footage below.

Breakpoint is expected to launch on the Switch eShop on September 24.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

A number of new deals are up and running on the North American Switch eShop. These include Deemo, Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, Sniper Elite games, Trine titles, and more.

Here are the full highlights:


Grisaia Phantom Trigger 04

A few days ago, Grisaia Phantom Trigger 04 – another entry in the visual novel series – landed on Switch. Find some footage in the video below.

Grisaia Phantom Trigger 04 is available now for Switch via the eShop.


System: Switch (eShop)
Release date: September 3, 2020
Developer: Proletariat
Publisher: Proletariat

One could argue that the battle royale scene has become incredibly stale with a bunch of clones that have been looking to capitalize on the popularity of other titles in the genre. Since then, it has become a bit of a juggernaut with pros and cons on the industry. Spellbreak now adds itself to the long lineup of battle royale games, and while we’ve seen plenty come and go, it’s nice that this one has come through and finally delivers an experience with seamless cross-play and cross-progression across all platforms, leads the way in consumer respect, and offers an appealing look with a magical take.

Rivals of Aether

Listings on the eShops provide file sizes for a bunch of Switch games. These include Empire of Sin, Ys Origin, Rivals of Aether, and more.

Here’s the full roundup:


Make a Killing

The first-person survival horror game Make a Killing is coming soon to Switch, according to an eShop listing. Dystopia Interactive’s title is planned for an October 2 release as a digital download.

Here’s an overview of Make a Killing, along with a trailer:

Nintendo eShop

Nintendo’s upcoming maintenance schedule has been updated. Downtime is planned towards the end of the month, impacting the eShops and more.

Here’s the full rundown:

Star Renegades

Raw Fury and Massive Damage have shared a new trailer for the rogue-lite strategy RPG Star Renegades. Watch the video below.

Star Renegades is confirmed to be heading to Switch, though an exact release date has not yet been announced.

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