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YouTube channel Wholesome Games has announced Wholesome Direct 2020, a 37-minute presentation dedicated to “cute and cozy indie games”. Over 50 titles will be showcased during the broadcast, which will feature footage, developer interviews, and announcements.

Wholesome Direct 2020 will air on May 26 at the following times:

Red Wings: Aces of the Sky

All In! Games has shared a launch trailer for Red Wings: Aces of the Sky, the aerial fighter that’s out now on Switch. Check it out below.

Red Wings: Aces of the Sky can be found on Switch via the eShop.

Infliction: Extended Cut

After it was previously delayed on Switch, Infliction: Extended Cut has a new release date. Publisher Blowfish Studios and developer Caustic Reality announced today that the psychological horror game launches on July 2.

We have the following overview and trailer for Infliction: Extended Cut:

Dating sim Monster Prom: XXL arrives on the Switch eShop today. You can take a look at some new gameplay below.


Triband has issued a launch trailer for What the Golf?, its anti golf game. We’ve included the video below.

What the Golf? is available digitally on Switch via the eShop.

Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

The Wonderful 101: Remastered

Red Wings: Aces of the Sky, a dynamic action game, is out today on Switch. Have a look at some footage in the video below.

Red Wings: Aces of the Sky can be found digitally on Switch via the eShop.

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Monstrum – $29.99 (available May 22)
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition – $19.99

Today, publisher Ratalakia Games and developer ebi-hime announced that the visual novel Strawberry Vinegar will be appearing on Switch in June. A specific release date has not been confirmed, though that information should be coming soon.

Here’s an overview of Strawberry Vinegar:

After a successful run on Steam, Drug Dealer Simumlator is making its way to Switch. Publisher Movie Games and developer Byterunners Game Studio say that we’ll be seeing it over the course of this year.

UF Games, a company that specializes in Switch ports, will be handling Drug Dealer Simulator. Forever Entertainment and Ultimate Games are also involved.

Here’s everything you need to know about Drug Dealer Simulator as well as a trailer:

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