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Switch eShop

Warned Collectors will offered a physical version of Zombie Night Terror, the company has announced. Pre-orders go live on March 13 on the company’s website.

Zombie Night Terror was first released on the Switch eShop earlier this year. Here’s an overview of the lemmings-like game:

Early on in Switch’s lifecycle, Nintendo had some issues with the eShop in which release dates listed on the store would sometimes turn out to be incorrect. This really hadn’t been a problem in quite some time, but has now happened again with Moero Chronicle Hyper.

According to what was listed on the store, Moero Chronicle Hyper was set to debut in the west this Thursday. Unfortunately, that date turned out to be incorrect. Idea Factory says it’s “currently working to change it” and will announce a final release date “soon”. When we have that information, we’ll let you know.


Fortnite has been updated to version 8.10 today. It includes a new vehicle, limited time mode, and more.

Below are the full patch notes:

Tomorrow, the physics-based puzzle game Claybook will be added to the Switch eShop. Get a look at some early footage below.

Ellada Games is bringing Niffelheim to Switch, the developer announced today. A release on Nintendo’s console is planned for this spring.

Here’s an overview for the action RPG, along with a trailer:

Today, Kairosoft confirmed its next release for Switch. Grand Prix Story will be available on the eShop worldwide starting March 21.

We have the following overview and trailer for the game:

Forever Entertainment announced today that it will be bringing Thief Simulator to Switch. A specific release window was not provided.

Here’s an overview of the game:

PD Design Studios has confirmed that it will be publishing its 2D action game Dusty Raging Fist on Switch this week. A release is planned for March 14.

Here’s an overview, along with a new trailer:

SteamWorld Dig 2

A number of new deals are up and running on the North American Switch eShop. These include big discounts on LEGO games and the SteamWorld series, Bomber Crew, Fe, Flipping Death, and more.

Here’s the full roundup of sales:


Corcell has published two more combat videos for AeternoBlade II. Find a bit of gameplay featuring Bernard and Felix below.

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