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Switch eShop

Hamster has revealed that Thunder Ceptor will be next game coming to the eShop under the Arcade Archives label. Here is some more information on title.

Little Noah: Scion of Paradise gameplay

Gameplay has emerged for Little Noah: Scion of Paradise. Cygames announced the title for Switch earlier today, and promptly launched it on the eShop.

Here’s an overview of the game with more details:

Use Your Words 2

Thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign, Use Your Words 2 will be made for Switch.

Smiling Buddha Games started seeking funding about a month ago. While the project itself met its $40,000 goal, a Switch-specific Stretch goal sought $50,000. The good news is that this mark has been reached as well with just over a day remaining in the campaign.


Today, publisher QubicGames and developer Hyperstrange announced that Loud will be released on Switch next month. The rhythm arcade story bopper driven by pop-punk tunes and the classic coming of age story will be available on July 15, 2022.

Here’s an overview of the game with more details:

Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series

Nintendo has updated the Japanese release schedule on its platforms for the week of July 7, 2022. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:


sonic origins tech analysis

Following the recent debut of Sonic Origins, Digital Foundry has shared its technical analysis. The site goes over various aspects for both the front end of the collection as well as the games themselves.

Here’s the full roundup of tidbits:

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes

Publisher Annapurna Interactive and Sayonara Wild Hearts developer Simogo have revealed Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, a modern take on the puzzle adventure genre. It will initially debut on Switch as a console exclusive in 2023.

For more on Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, read the following overview:

RPG Time: The Legend of Wright

RPG Time: The Legend of Wright, which originally came out earlier this year, is now making the jump to Switch. Aniplex will be publishing the DeskWorks-developed title on August 18, 2022.

Here’s an overview of the game with more information:

Little Noah Scion of Paradise

Cygames, the maker of Dragalia Lost, announced Little Noah: Scion of Paradise during today’s Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase. As it turns out, it’s actually already available on Switch.

Continue on below for more information about Little Noah: Scion of Paradise:


Gearbox Publishing and developer Casus Ludi have unveiled Blanc, an artistic cooperative adventure. Switch will be getting the game in February 2023.

Blanc follows the journey of a wolf cub and a fawn stranded in a vast, snowy wilderness. During the adventure, they’ll need to come together in an unlikely partnership to find their families.

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