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Capcom released a new trailer to highlight the features in the upcoming versions of Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2 for Switch. View the video below.

During the latest Feh Channel broadcast for Fire Emblem Heroes, Book II was announced. Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are expanding the game’s story and will continue to add in new chapters over time. We have a bunch of art for the various characters below, including concept art.

Nintendo has updated its schedule with two new periods of downtime.

First, ARMS will be undergoing maintenance later tonight. Nintendo will be delivering a new update, so this should pave way for its availability. Switch in general will also be seeing maintenance tomorrow.

Here’s the full maintenance schedule:

This week’s item distribution for Zelda: Breath of the Wild is now available. If you’ve subscribed to the official news channel on Switch, a message from Hidemaro Fujibayashi should be appearing.

Once you’ve received Fujibayashi’s message, boot up Breath of the Wild from the note. You should then gain access to five normal arrows. The distribution is a bit on the tame side, but it’s tough to complain about something that’s just a little bonus.

Source: Switch news

RXN: Raijin, a new vertically scrolling shoot ’em up from Gulti, is coming to Switch. Publisher Kayac announced a worldwide release for the title today.

RXN: Raijin is set to be released in North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan in December. The European pricing will be 3,900 yen.

For more information and a trailer, continue on below.

Nintendo Hall has uploaded some footage of the new update for Super Bomberman R showing off the new Grand Prix Mode featuring Reiko Bomber & Princess Tomato Bomber. You can check out the footage below.

The next update for ARMS is coming tomorrow, Nintendo has announced. Version 4.0.0 is the next notable patch and will be adding various new elements.

Nintendo has been teasing a new fighter, who will indeed be added to ARMS. We’ll also be seeing a new attribute and apparently some sort of new mode as well.

We’ll let you know when the update officially goes live.


Konami has released a trailer for the Grand Prix mode just added to Super Bomberman R in version 2.0. Watch the video below.

Super Bomberman’s next big update has arrived. Players can download the patch foor a new 3-vs-3 game mode and a bunch of new characters.

In Grand Prix mode, two teams of up to three players are pitted against each other to battle it out in different arena stages using new characters with special abilities. It includes these match types:

Update: Full patch notes added below.

Original: Pokken Tournament DX’s big update is here. Nintendo and Bandai Namco have pushed the latest patch to all players.

Today’s update adds a number of new features. These include Team Battles with friends online, official groups in Group Match, the ability to record Pokemon movements in Practice Mode’s Free Training, and more. We’ll add in the full patch notes when Nintendo shares them.

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