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Ubisoft EMEA boss Alain Corre recently shared some words about the NX, stating that the console could “recapture a lot of the lapsed Wii players.” Yves Guillemot, CEO of the company, has since weighed in on the new platform as well.

When asked by Game Informer if Ubisoft will be present during NX’s launch window, Guillemot responded:

“You can expect we’ll support Nintendo. Nintendo is one of the best partners in the world.”

Digital Foundry is back with a second analysis on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Once again, the outlet takes a look at the tech behind Nintendo’s new game. See it in full below.

Over on Nintendo of Spain’s YouTube page, Nintendo of Europe president Satoru Shibata shared a brief message about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. He spoke about his first impressions after playing the demo. Hear Shibata’s full message below.

Each year, titles shown at E3 are nominated for the Game Critics Awards. Judges consist of representatives from major global media outlets that cover the gaming business, including GameSpot, Game Informer, TIME, and much more.

As for this year’s nominees, Zelda: Breath of the Wild is included in a few categories. It’s being considered for “Best of Show”, “Best Console Game”, and “Best Action/Adventure Game”. LEGO Dimensions, LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and Skylanders Imaginators also have a chance to win “Best Family Game”.

You can find the full lineup of categories and nominees here.

It was announced today that Road Redemption has now sold over 100,000 copies. But in the same note, it was stated the team is reevaluating Wii U support “in light of the upcoming Nintendo NX.”

Road Redemption was confirmed for Wii U back in 2013. But earlier this year, DarkSeas cast doubt about an eShop release happening. The developer later said that it was “still actively pursuing Wii U development,” though today’s news makes the situation unclear once again.

Source: DarkSeas PR

Update: All finished! You can get caught up on the full recap below.

Nintendo’s 76th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is about to begin. NStyles appears to be in attendance and Cheesemeister will be translating, so we should be getting information from the event as it happens.

The meeting will kick off at 9 PM ET / 6 PM PT. We’ll start posting tidbits around then.

– A Mario towel, Pikachu cookies, and room-temperature green tea given to attendees


– From left: Umeyama, Mitamura, Ueda, Mizutani, Shigeyuki Takahashi, Kimishima, Takeda, Miyamoto, Shinya Takahashi, Yamato, Tanaka
– 20 minutes before it began, the seats were about 30% filled (can hold 1,000); up to 60% around 10 minutes before start time
– About to start; all of the directors have entered
– Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima greets the audience
– Auditor Minoru Ueda makes a report


– The 76th annual report is not being read by president Kimishima, but rather a recorded narration is being played with slides
– There were no big 3DS hit titles, so sales were low
– Splatoon, Mario Maker, Twilight Princess HD did well
– amiibo hit 24.7 million units
– Download sales totaled 43.9 billion yen
– Miitomo got off to a good start
– Operating income recovered, but losses due to the strong yen reduced ordinary and net income
– Assets: 1 trillion, 296.9 billion yen; net assets minus liabilities equal 1 trillion, 160.9 billion yen, down 6.6b yen from last
– Issues to address. Up to now, the goal has been to expand the gaming population irregardless of age, gender, or experience. Now, the focus is to increase the population exposed to Nintendo IPs.
– Pokemon Sun/Moon 3DS due out worldwide in November, with many other Nintendo, strong 3rd-party titles to be released
– The aim with 3DS is to make the platform active again
– NX reconfirmed for worldwide launch in March 2017; the dedicated game machine business will continue to be core
– amiibo and download businesses will continue to receive focus
– Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing come to smart devices this fall
– Focusing on My Nintendo, we want to create synergy between the dedicated game machine and smart device businesses
– Nintendo IP will be used in theme parks, character goods, and film contents
– Nintendo said the Wii U would continue to fight on, but only Zelda is coming next year

– The resolutions that were voted upon are explained (these can be found online already)
– There are 6 resolutions this year


The NX was announced well over a year ago, but we still know relatively little about the system. That will finally change later this year. But as we wait, little drops of information are let out here and there. This time, we have a new quote from Shigeru Miyamoto.

The Associated Press recently asked Miyamoto about the new console cycle revolution. This prompted him to say that Nintendo hasn’t shared anything about NX due to a special “idea”.

Miyamoto stated:

“In terms of NX, there’s an idea that we’re working on. That’s why we can’t share anything at this point, and I don’t want to comment on the other companies. If it was just a matter of following advancements in technology, things would be coming out a lot quicker.”


Data analytics company Fancensus has offered further insight into E3 buzz with a new video sent out today. It reinforces the success that Zelda: Breath of the Wild experienced having been the most talked about game on Twitter, the most website coverage received, and most front page website placement. Aside from Zelda, Nintendo was one of the most viewed YouTube channels.

Here’s the full recap from Fancensus:


Two more off-screen Zelda: Breath of the Wild clips have emerged. Both offer something that we haven’t really seen much of thus far. Below you can see the player picking up a rupee, and launching Link in the air with a catapult.

Nintendo believes it has “struck a cord” with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Speaking with The Verge, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime stated:

“We think we’ve struck a chord. And we’ve struck a chord with what is a very important franchise for us. A franchise that is going to be key to our long-term success.”

Reggie went on to talk about the changes being introduced in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. New elements were needed “in order to bring new players in.” At the same time though, Nintendo “needed to do it thoughtfully in order to maintain the current player.”

According to Reggie:

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