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To get a better idea about Switch’s size, IGN created a video comparing the system and the Joy-Con to various gaming devices. The GBA, GameCube, and Wii Remote are just a few included here. Get a look at the full comparison below.


A new piece of Zelda: Breath of the Wild concept art has landed on the series’ Facebook page. As pictured above, it’s the same enemy type from The Game Awards 2016 footage. This is just one of many enemies you’ll encounter in the game.


First 4 Figures uploaded a new video today for its new Link statue from Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Take a look at it below.

GameStop has now opened an official page on its website for the midnight Switch launch. You can head on over here to find out which stores nearby will be open as soon as March 3 arrives. Of course, this includes Zelda: Breath of the Wild as well.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild can be played either on a television or on the dedicated Switch screen. However, when using the former option, you may encounter frame rate dips occasionally. In a new GameXplain video posted below, we’re able to see how the two experiences compare.

Pokemon president Tsunekazu Ishihara was recently interviewed by Japanese outlet Toyo Keizai. At the end of the talk, the discussion turned to Switch.

First, Ishihara was asked about his thoughts on the system. He started out by saying that he knew about it years ago and witnessed its various “twists and turns.” His feeling is that Nintendo finally revealed the system. In Ishihara’s opinion, the important factor will be making best use of HD Rumble.

The preview embargo for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has now lifted, and new footage is starting to come in.

We’ve got some additional info regarding the release of Snipperclips in Europe. First of all, we got an image of the Joy-Con bundle, which you can see above. Nintendo UK also sent out a PR e-mail about the game, confirming that it’ll be available from the eShop on March 3rd for £17.99. That e-mail also mentions that the Snipperclips Joy-Con bundle won’t be available at launch, but rather one week later, on March 10th. However, that contradicts what is said on the Nintendo UK website, which states that the bundle will be available on March 3rd, as will be the case in the rest of Europe.

Hopefully Nintendo will clear up that confusion soon, but either way, a one week wait for the bundle is not a huge deal.

Source: Nintendo PR

MCV just published an interview with Nicolas Wegnez, who is the general manager of Nintendo UK. Overall there’s not too much of interest in the interview, but Wegnez does touch on the pre-order and launch day availability situation of the Switch in the UK:

“It’s true pre-orders are very strong but we still expect Nintendo Switch to be available at some retailers on Day One. We do expect shipments to steadily come.”

Here’s what Wegnez had to say about promoting the Switch:

“We have seen that having hands on with Nintendo Switch really does help people to understand its appeal. This is even more true when you can experience how to switch between gameplay modes, use the Joy-Con in different ways or, yes, feel that surprising ‘HD Rumble’ feature.

For all the above, we are working on sampling plans to try and get Nintendo Switch into as many people’s hands as possible. However, living in this digital era we recognise the significance of online tools, therefore we have a comprehensive range of online assets for all our e-commerce partners to embrace.”



Looks like Snipperclips is a launch title not only in Japan, but in Europe as well. GoNintendo got this info from a Dutch PR mail sent out by Nintendo of Europe.

Snipperclips will cost €19.99 and will feature three modes – : WORLD (1-2 players, co-op), PARTY (2-4 players, co-op) and BONUSGAME (2-4 players, competitive). If you want to try out the game first, you’re in luck – there will be a free demo available on March 3rd as well.

Beyond that, Snipperclips will also be sold in a special limited edition bundle that includes a pair of colored Joy-Con as well as a download code for the game.

Source: Nintendo PR

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