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Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime stopped by CBS This Morning to promote Switch and chat about the new platform. For the most part, we’ve heard the questions and answers in previous interviews.

At one point, one of the show’s hosts brings up how Link is hot, which Reggie says is true. He then says that there are more girl gamers out there, and Nintendo takes pride in leading the way on that front. Switch is also intended to appeal to a wide demographic – anyone from the age of 5 to 95, Reggie said.

Here’s the full interview:

Suda51 was one of a few third-party representatives on hand for the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017. He was there to announce plans for a brand new project on the new system featuring Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes.

Unfortunately, as many of you know, there were some translation issues with Suda51’s speech. In a new interview, he explained that a prompter was in place, but he “stuck to about 80% of the script.” Suda51 then formally apologized to the translator and wants to offer to fly him to Seattle for dinner. He also doesn’t anyone to give the translator grief about the situation.

It wasn’t all bad though. Suda51 noted that “Nintendo praised me and said it was a great presentation. Foreign people over here probably didn’t understand much of what was going on.”

Suda51’s speech did end up getting a proper fan translation a little while back. If you missed it, you can find the video right here.


As another way of promoting Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Nintendo UK sent series producer Eiji Aonuma “on a quest” to gain the Master Sword of Master Sword of Resurrection. Aonuma played around with battling a Guardian (in amiibo form), gathering food, and more before finally approaching the sword. Of course, this was all done in good fun.

We’ve shared the two brief clips from Nintendo UK below. Check out the full feature here.

The React channel has a new video up that has a group of teenagers reacting to (and playing) Super Mario Run. Check it out below.

Social news site Reddit is holding a Secret Santa event this year. Users were assigned a random person to give gifts to, and for one person in particular, she made out very well.

The Secret Santa for Aerrix, out of all people, was Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Now… why are we covering this here? The news itself is pretty incredible, but Gates actually packed in some Nintendo goodies. Aerrix received a plethora of items, but the ones we care about were nearly all Zelda-related: mittens (including matching ones for her dog), a tie blanket, and picture frame. If that wasn’t enough, Gates also sent the NES Classic Edition. Oh, and a paper version of the final form Master Sword from Skyward Sword.

Here are some of the photos and excerpts from Aerrix’s story:

Butch Hartman, the creator of Fairly OddParents, has his own YouTube show in which he draws fan-requested characters in the cartoon show’s style. In his newest video, Nintendo is heavily featured. Hartman created his own takes on the Splatoon squid, Link, Pikachu, and Mario. Sonic was also thrown in since he’s often associated with Nintendo these days. We have the video below.

One teenager has been stopping by the Best Buy in Valley Stream, New York every day to play Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. Keeping in line with the holiday spirit, associates from the store’s Appliances Department chipped in collectively to get him a console of his own before Christmas.

The heartfelt moment was recorded on camera:

One of the Best Buy employees apparently offered to drive the teenager home so that he wouldn’t have to walk home alone with it. Even though the video has resulted in negative comments, it’s nice to see that there’s some good in the world!



Yesterday we saw Shigeru Miyamoto guessing the size of various objects. If that wasn’t random enough for you, we have a video of Miyamoto playing Super Mario Run while eating cake. You can see that below.

The folks over at Smosh have once again produced an “honest trailer” for a game. This time, the video focuses on Pokemon X/Y. Check it out below.

In Super Mario 64, King Bob-omb awaits you as the boss of Bob-omb Battlefield. On the way up to the top of the mountain where the battle takes place, players need to navigate through a pit of two rolling balls.

What happens after you defeat him is very interesting. Instead of two balls, the pit will instead have three on every star following the battle. Fans now believe that the new ball is King Bomb-omb himself.

The first bob-omb you come across in Bob-omb Battlefield will mention that the King was a “dud.” Coupled with the fact that the ball would resemble the King if given facial features, the theory is definitely plausible. Some players may have noticed some of these things in the past, but they’ve definitely not been widespread.

Source, Via

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