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There are no Wii U games in the console’s launch window that will be making use of Near Field Communication – including Skylanders Giants and Rayman Legends.

Nick Ruepp, producer at Vicarious Visions, says that the studio considered implementing the technology for Skylanders Giants, but decided against it.

“We did entertain the idea. We didn’t want to cripple the GamePad the entire time just so you could put your Skylander on the GamePad.”

Ubisoft also considered NFC support for Rayman Legends. Actually, many of you may remember that the functionality was hinted at in a leaked internal video.

Nintendo product manager Bill Trinen confirmed to Polygon that there won’t be any NFC-supported games right out of the gate. However, he doesn’t think it’ll be “too far out” before we see developers take advantage of the technology.

“That is a new tech, particularly with it being available in the U.S. A lot of the developers are wondering what are the options? How do we leverage it? As they start to come with their ideas, solutions and great content, we will talk more about it. I don’t anticipate it will be too far out.”


SiNG Party fact sheet

Posted 12 years ago by in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Party All Night Long

Get the party started with SiNG Party, a new, interactive musical performance game that will get you and your guests singing and dancing well into the night. With dozens of popular songs to choose from, everyone from novice singers to experienced entertainers will be able to join in the fun. While one person steps up as the main performer, others can dance, sing and clap along with the prompts on the TV screen, making sure everyone at the party is rocking out together.

Nicalis has delivered on its recent promise regarding a release date announcement for the 3DS eShop version of Cave Story.

The game is less than a month away. It’ll be up for download on October 4 with a $9.99 price tag.

The eShop game supports multi-layered 3D depth, 4:3 and widescreen views, two button configurations, and more challenges – Nemesis Challenge, Boss Rush, Curly Story, Hell Time Attack and Wind Fortress.


Darksiders II interview

Posted 12 years ago by in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

ZombiU interview

Posted 12 years ago by in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

Nintendo has confirmed that all Wii digital content won’t make use of the GamePad. That means you won’t be able to play Virtual Console (or WiiWare) titles on the controller.

In order to transfer digital content from a Wii to a Wii U, you’ll need both systems and an SD card. It’ll work very similarly to the DSi to 3DS transfer process.

One other important note: Nintendo of America won’t confirm that the transfer tool will be available at launch.


SiNG Party boxart

Posted 12 years ago by in News, Wii U | 0 comments

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