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– Nintendo still working on the final name for the game
– Game is a return to a more traditional Mario world
– The Galaxy games allowed Yoshiaki Koizumi to think about what Mario is really about
– Koizumi wanted to make the most Mario-like 3D Mario game ever
– Dash: X or Y button can be used
– Game automatically controls camera angles
– Has the moves from Super Mario 64
– Flagpole at the end of levels now instead of stars
– Airship level showed off at the developer roundtable
– Boss battle at the end of the level
– Stomp on him to make him go into his shell
– He’ll spin around the area after that
– There’s a secret in the E3 levels that involves a hurdle
– Game has side-scrolling levels
– Another level: Zelda-themed stage
– The level is top-down, floor pattern comparable to A Link to the Past
– Use the fireball suit to light up four torches with fireballs
– Has Zelda chimes, spikes, and fixed perspective, and more

– Exploration plays a big role in the game
– Use the sword to find items
– Spirit resides in Link’s sword
– Spirit is named Fi or Fye
– Demo area is the second place players will find themselves in
– Takes place in a desert
– 5 pieces hidden
– Monmas: new race (tentative name)
– Monmas talk about a key they have for a temple nearby
– Demo shows first-person mode being used, Wii Remote allows you to point to parts of the ground and the sword acts like a metal detector
– Metal gauntlets let Link dig objects up
– Second part of the demo is in the Siren world
– Go through the game trying to forge the Master Sword
– Siren power makes the world turn into an alternate reality of sorts
– Must collect items to leave the Siren world
– Collect teardrop items to progress
– Link is unarmed in this world since he used his sword to get there
– Guardian can kill you with one hit
– Guardians can be put to sleep
– Once the meter expires, the guardians will return
– Pick up teardrop items to refill the meter
– Do different things in the Siren world than you would in the regular world
– Environments in the game leading up to the dungeons are comparable to the actual dungeons
– New puzzles and other things to do if you leave an area and come back later
– Going back to different areas multiple times is very important in the game
– Eiji Aonuma: Skyward Sword is “a game you can play for a very long time. Understanding the map is going to make the game very interesting to play”
– Knowledge of environments will help you since you’ll be visiting them numerous times

Mario Kart 3D details

Posted 13 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

– 60 FPS
– Miyamoto wanted to call the game Super Mario Kite since he loves gliding
– Hanggliders are on every bike
– Retro Studios involved with the game to design tracks

Hey guys, Austin here. I just got back from 6 hours on the show floor at E3, and I played a looooot of stuff. No Wii U yet (lines, man), but I did play all of the following things:

– Skyward Sword
– Star Fox 64 3D Multiplayer
– Resident Evil: Revelations
– Super Mario 3D
– Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D
– Kirby GO ATTACK FUN (or whatever it’s called; the DS one)
– Mario Kart 3D
– Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (3DS)
– Sonic Generations (3DS)
– Need for Speed: The Run (3DS)

If you have questions about any of these games, OR about anything E3-related in general (including the Wii U; I didn’t play it, but saw a LOT of people playing it), please comment on this post and we will get to all of them in a podcast going up later tonight. Thanks, guys!

We’ll have to wait another day for new Wii U news. Tonight’s roundtable event will focus just on the Wii and 3DS. I guess that means we can look forward to third-party Wii U talk and details about the console’s online functionality tomorrow!

At Nintendo’s E3 2011 media briefing earlier today, Ubisoft teased a new Assassin’s Creed for the Wii U. Unfortunately, it was just a tease – literally nothing was said about the project.

It looks like that’ll be changing tomorrow, though. On a GameTrailers TV segment, Ubisoft’s CEO hinted that news will be shared tomorrow.

“During our live interview, Ubisoft CEO teased Assassins Wii-U news tomorrow night at third party roundtable.”

Nintendo is currently hosting a roundtable focusing on first-party developers and software. Tomorrow’s event, which takes place at 8:30 PM EDT, will feature third-party projects.

Update 3: Looks like it’s about to start. Be prepared for updates!

Update 2: It’s running late, but stay tuned… not sure when it’s starting.

Update: It starts at 9 PM actually!

If what I’m hearing is correct, Nintendo’s annual E3 roundtable will be taking place in roughly 30 minutes (7:30 PM EDT). There’s a decent chance that we’ll get something interesting out of the conference. In past years, we’ve received a Pikmin 3 confirmation (where the heck is that game?), a Smash Bros. Brawl trailer, and Skyward Sword art.

I’ll be covering the event for you guys live. Also know that a second roundtable will be hosted tomorrow. One of the two events is likely to contain information about Wii U’s online functionality.

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