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You know, this actually looks pretty impressive for the DS. It might be ignored, though, as its release date is close to the 3DS’ launch.

Thanks to Thwarp for the tip!

Gods vs Humans trailer

Posted 13 years ago by in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

– Second player can use the Wiimote to stop attacking enemies
– Realistically shaded characters/flat shaded silhouette-like characters
– Flat shaded characters are the 5 students
– Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Red students
– Black invites the other characters to the ravine
– Black’s father owns the mansion at which they are staying
– Blue is kind/has a strong sense of justice
– Yellow was raised well and is pure hearted
– Pink states her opinion clearly
– Red is a leader, has a temper
– Red says “Let’s test our courage” and gets the mess started
– Don’t control Pink and Red
– Control Black, Blue, Yellow, “You”
– Will get attacked by creatures, but can’t defeat them
– Have to run away
– Will find a mysterious young girl
– This girl is friendly with Yellow

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!

The Last Story details

Posted 13 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments

– 30 hours play time first time through the game
– Amount will vary if players redo quests/revisit dungeons
– Sakaguchi had hoped to make a game with a good tempo and a feeling of “denseness” about the story
– 12,000 lines of in-game voiced dialogue
– That number was more than Sakaguchi expected
– Can go online after arriving at the first save point
– Character’s level and how much you’ve strengthened your weapons are reflected during the online group boss battle, so you may want to do a bit of single-player first
– Battle royal mode only carries your physical appearance, not level and weapon strength
– Team battle royal mode online
– Online: random matches, play against someone you don’t know, play with friends, play with those with whom you’ve exchanged friend codes
– Replay single-player will all items in tact
– Team is balancing the game for second play throughs, will have specific drop items
– Many details at the game’s conference on the 27th

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!


We don’t really know much about Kingdom Hearts 3D. A trailer was shown at E3, but it was never released online for all to see. Tetsuya Nomura has only shared a few details about the project – mainly that the game will feature all new Disney worlds. Thanks to issue 262 of Nintendo Power, though, more information has been revealed. Nomura told the magazine that the game’s story will be on par with the numbered titles and that the secret ending will contain “shocking statements and dialogue.”

“Kingdom Hearts III and Kingdom Hearts 3D are not the same. However, it is a brand-new adventure starring Sora and Riku. The story is on par with that of a numbered title, and I’m sure the ending will shock fans.”

Nomura also stated that the ending in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded relates to 3D:

“There is a hint regarding Kingdom Hearts 3D in the secret movie [of Re:coded]. Players will find out once they see for themselves, but the movie includes some shocking statements and dialogue that pertains to Kingdom Hearts 3D, so it’s definitely worth watching!”

3DS development kits have been in the hands of numerous companies for quite some time now. However, indie developers have yet to obtain their own kits. On the bright side, it seems as though they won’t have to wait much longer to get their hands on the system.

According to a “trusted source” close to Develop-Online, Nintendo will be handing out another round of development kits in early 2011 – more specifically, January. With that said, many independent and internal groups have started making titles for the handheld.


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