I was down at the Mall of America today to do some magazine shopping, and while me and some friends were wandering around, we came across the Microsoft store. Now, I’ve been in the Microsoft store multiple times, and each time it’s been host to great people and great fun; I haven’t even purchased anything from there yet! Today when we went back, they had the Kinect hooked up to the body-moving, fun-inducing Dance Central, and so naturally I began playing it.
About 45 minutes later, I was all danced out- as were my friends- and I was finally convinced: Kinect is pretty damn awesome, and I felt like I should ask what other people feel about Sony and Microsoft’s attempts at motion gaming. Of course, both of these never would have been possible without the Wii’s pioneering of the technology, but that doesn’t make the alternatives any less enjoyable! Are there any 360/PS3 owners out there that have been dying to talk about their experiences with the alternates to the Wii motion control?
Personally, I’ve played around with Move a lot and I’m still not convinced that it’s any better (in my experience it’s only been worse) than the Wii, but Kinect (especially Dance Central!) has got me hooked! Of course, I enjoy Ubisoft’s Just Dance to an equal level, so I won’t be purchasing a Kinect for just that one title any time soon. Even so, you can tickle me impressed!
How about you?
JellyCar 2 – 299 blocks
Art of Balance (demo version) – 252 blocks
Soccer Bashi – 128 blocks
Virtual Console
Ghosts ‘n Goblins – 58
Exed Exes – 47
EJ Puzzles: Hooked – 95 blocks
Petz Catz Family – 95 blocks
Surfacer+ – 24 blocks
A Nintendo representative has commented on the status of The Last Story in western territories. VG247 was told that there are “no plans at present” to bring the game to North America and Europe. Although this isn’t the type of response fans would have hoped, it’d be best to take the news with a grain of salt. After all, I wouldn’t expect an announcement to come from a spokesperson. I’d say we should start panicking if nothing is said at this year’s E3.
Virtual Console
– Magical Drop III (NeoGeo, D4 Enterprise): 900 Wii Points
– Family Games Pen & Paper Edition (Icon Games): 500 Wii Points
– Surfacer + Dexterity + Strategy (Lexis): 500 DS Points
– Oscar in Toyland 2 (Virtual Playground): 500 DS Points
– Alien Puzzle Adventure (Mastertronic): 500 DS Points
– From Starfish SD
– Gyro-based tilt controls to control the rod
– Hold the 3DS like a fishing rod
– Snap your wrists to cast the rod
– Tilt the system to adjust the angle of the rod
– 3D used to give players a better feel for the distance between the lure and fish
– Exchange fish you catch for coins
– Use coins to purchase new rods and lure
– Full Internet-based combat
– Players across the nation can play against each other
– Lag-free experience promise from Capcom for Internet Versus mode
– Choose from “quick match,” “custom match,” and “friend match”
– Quick match: Paired up with an opponent instantly
– Custom match: Find an opponent based on set conditions
– Friend match: Fight someone who you select from your friend list
– Add players to your friend list by exchanging friend codes (isn’t confirmed if codes are system-wide or game-specific)
– Local multiplayer also available
– Versus mode: Player vs. player, player vs. cpu, cpu vs. cpu, and download play
– Download play: Versus matches on two 3DS systems with one game
– Can transfer the game to other players through download play, will keep functioning even if the host leaves
– Unclear if there are limitations on characters/stages for download play
– Set a comment before multiplayer fights
– Comment will show up with your rank and current battle points before the fight
– Battle points gained by winning a fight
– Compatible with arcade machiuke (arcade challenge): Other players can interrupt you for battles while you’re playing arcade mode
-Will work for local and internet versus play
– Modes on the title screen:
3D Versus
Internet Versus
Player Data
Figure Collection
– Medals: Clear conditions to earn medals, view them in Player Data in options screen
Perhaps the biggest detail here is in regards to how the 3DS will handle friend codes. We know they’re coming back, but Famitsu did not say if players will be forced to input codes for specific games, or if the system itself has a universal list. Hopefully it’ll be the latter!
01. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (Capcom) – 133,562 / 3,983,469
02. [Wii] Donkey Kong Returns (Nintendo) – 66,551 / 704,856
03. [Wii] Wii Party (Nintendo) – 53,144 / 1,730,035
04. [NDS] Pocket Monster Black/White (Pokemon) – 45,590 / 5,012,327
05. [Wii] Mario Sports Mix (Nintendo) – 40,123 / 534,061
06. [NDS] Ni no Kuni (Level-5) – 37,237 /419,524
07. [PS3] Gundam Musou 3 (Bandai-Namco) – 30,128 / 318,878
08. [NDS] Saga 3 Jikuu no Hasha Shadow or Light (Square-Enix) – 27,344 *NEW*
09. [PSP] The 3rd Birthday (Square-Enix) – 27,279 / 212,861
10. [Wii] New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo) – 24,888 / 4,202,472
11. [Wii] Wii Sports Resort [Wii Remote Plus Pack] (Nintendo) – 23,020 / 246,774
12. [Wii] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo) – 21,230 / 3,130,795
13. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 3 Sekai e Chousen!! Joker (Level-5) – 20,968 / 359,382
14. [PSP] AKB1/48 Idol to Koushitara (Bandai-Namco) – 20,768 / 320,562
15. [NDS] Mario vs Donkey Kong Totsugeki! Miniland (Nintendo) – 20,325 / 281,925
16. [NDS] Tongari Baushi to Mahou no Otana (Konami) – 19,406 / 296,905
17. [Wii] Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo) – 17,128 / 2,222,943
18. [Wii] Super Mario Collection Special Pack (Nintendo) – 17,077 / 820,530
19. [NDS] Super Kaseki Horida (Nintendo) 16,551 / 255,277
20. [Wii] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii Minna de Party 3 Shirome (Bandai-Namco) – 15,381 / 155,670
Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!