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Famitsu review scores

Posted 15 years ago by in News | 2 Comments

Yakuza 4 (PS3) – 9/10/10/9
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PS3/360) – 9/8/9/8
God of War Collection (PS3) – 9/8/8/8
Gundam Assault Survive (PSP) – 8/8/8/9
Darksiders (PS3) – 8/8/8/8
Moe Moe 2-Ji Daisenryaku 2: Yamato Nadesico (DS) – 6/6/6/7
Moe Moe 2-Ji Daisenryaku * Ultra Deluxe (360) – 6/6/5/5

Thanks to jcr for the news tip!

1. [DS] Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light
2. [PSP] .hack//Link
3. [Wii] New Super Mario Bros. Wii
4. [PS3] Nobunaga no Yabou Tendou
5. [DS] Dragon Quest IX (Ultimate Hits)
6. [DS] Tomodachi Collection

7. [PSP] Kenka Bancho 4
8. [PSP] God Eater
9. [WII] Wii Fit Plus
10. [PS3] Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition

Heart Rate Monitor and New Wireless Control System Highlight Innovation Coming to New Suite of Fitness Products This Fall

REDWOOD CITY, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Millions of people around the world have experienced the revolution in home fitness since last spring with EA SPORTS Active™, the number one rated fitness program for the Wii™**. Today, EA SPORTS™, a label of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS), announced that EA SPORTS Active 2.0* (working title) is now in development and will be available this fall on PlayStation®3, Wii™, iPhone® and iPod touch®. The new EA SPORTS Active 2.0* fitness program will deliver true fitness results by featuring an innovative wireless control system, powered by new leg and arm straps with motion sensors, a heart rate monitor to capture intensity, and a new online hub to track and share workout data. EA SPORTS Active 2.0* will make working out simple, effective and will go with you wherever you are.

“The launch of EA SPORTS Active 2.0* will define a new era of interactive fitness with the use of innovative motion sensor peripherals and a heart rate monitor that provide users with a fitness experience delivering real, measurable results”

Reggie Fils-Aime on Apple and their technology…

“There’s been no data to suggest an encroachment on our business. The iPhone has been out on the marketplace for just a couple of years. In the last two years we’ve set two records on our DS business, last year selling over 11.2 million units. So there’s been no evidence that we’ve lost any business to that competitor.

On the other hand, we recognize that consumers have a limited amount of entertainment time, and anything that takes entertainment time away from the Nintendo DS, DSi and Wii is a competitor. And so from that standpoint, we need to build experiences that are compelling and sticky, and that consumers can get excited about. That’s our challenge.”

The following comes from a survey from Netflix…

“Imagine that Netflix offers its subscribers the ability to instantly watch movies and & TV episodes on their Nintendo DS. The selection available to instantly watch includes some new releases, lots of classics and TV episodes. There are no advertisements or trailers, and movies start in as little as 30 seconds. You can fast-forward, rewind, and pause or watch again. The movies & TV episodes you instantly watch are included in your Netflix membership at no additional fee.”

Hm…I’m not so sure about this. The idea is interesting, but how well would it work? Would the video quality be decent? And how well would the DS be able to handle Netflix in general?


Rock Band 3 announced

Posted 15 years ago by in News, Wii | 1 Comment

No press release just yet, but Viacom President Philippe Dauman confirmed during today’s Credit Suisse 2010 Global Media and Communications Convergence Conference that Rock Band 3 would be coming out this fall. As per recent interviews, the next game will apparently teach players music, rather than just having them follow along in rhythm. Expect a press release in the next couple of days!

Well, this is pretty darn cool! Apparently, Rising Star Games, upset that they were not able to bring a Spanish translation of Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon to their fans, has teamed up with 50 avid fans of the game to produce a translation of the game. The translation will be available via Homebrew for free as soon as it’s released, and should offer a pretty solid, cost-effective way for Spanish-speakers to play the games!


“Yes I am very pleased with the critical reception of No More Heroes 2 so far. We obviously had experience already to create the game for the Wii, so by the time we developed the sequel we knew our way around the system very well.” – Suda51

Overall, the review scores of No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle were positive. Many of the complaints from the first title were, fortunately, addressed in the sequel. We’ll probably be waiting awhile for another No More Heroes title, though. Suda51 has indicated that he would like to make a third title for the Wii’s successor.


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