Maintenance will be conducted on the Nintendo Network ID system later today. Users may experience issues logging in through web services that make use of the functionality while it’s taking place.
Here’s the full schedule based on each region:
– 12 PM PT – 4 PM PT
– 3 PM ET – 7 PM ET
– 8 PM in the UK – 12 AM in the UK
– 9 PM in Europe – 1 AM in Europe
Xavier Orion Games has been working on bringing Booty Diver to the Wii U, and they now say that testing has been completed and they will be submitting the final version to Nintendo. If it passes lot check, the game should release soon on the Wii U.
Soon this little guy will be diving on to #WiiU menus..testing is complete…lot check submission imminent #indiedev #indiegame #gamedev
— Xavier Orion Games (@XavierOrionGame) December 1, 2016
The My Nintendo website has been given a new look. The changes are mostly aesthetic, featuring your Mii performing various activities (such as playing the 3DS or fishing) instead of merely pacing around. It also highlights more than just the My Nintendo rewards, such as having easy links to Pokemon and Miitomo’s websites. Unfortunately, the change does seem to have removed the Platinum coins that could be picked up each week by visiting the site.
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime will be appearing during The Game Awards tomorrow, show creator and host Geoff Keighley confirmed during a live stream today.
Reggie will actually be appearing in all three of The Game Awards thus far. He was there in 2014 as Nintendo featured Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Maker, and Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. Nintendo didn’t have any content or trailers last year, but Reggie was back to honor the legacy of the late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata.
This year, Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be returning in a big way. It will not only be featured during The Game Awards pre-show, but during the actual show as well.
By the way, here’s a new promo for The Game Awards:
This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:
1. Pokemon Sun
2. Pokemon Moon
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
5. Pokemon Yellow
6. Mega Man Legacy Collection
7. Fire Emblem Awakening
8. Dragon Ball Fusions
9. 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2
10. Mario Kart 7
11. Super Mario World
12. Monster Hunter Generations
13. Kirby Fighters Deluxe
14. Super Mario Bros. 3
15. Pokemon Red
16. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
17. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
18. Pokemon Blue
19. Zelda: A Link to the Past
20. Hyrule Warriors Legends
1. Pokemon Sun/Moon Special Demo Version Video
2. Super Mario Maker for 3DS Overview Trailer
3. Starter Pokemon Z-Moves in Pokemon Sun/Moon
4. Dragon Ball Fusions
5. Pokemon Sun/Moon – Go Beyond: Partner Pokemon
6. Pokemon Sun/Moon – Go Beyond: Legendary Pokemon
7. First look at Nintendo’s new home gaming system
8. Super Mario Maker for 3DS – Play everywhere
9. Nikki’s Tour of Swapdoodle
10. Our Adventure Begins in the Alola Regions – Pokemon Sun/Moon
11. Evolved Forms Starter Pokemon – Pokemon Sun/Moon
12. Version-exclusive Pokemon – Pokemon Sun/Moon
13. Mario Party: Star Rush E3 2016 Trailer
14. Pokemon Bank Trailer
15. Pokemon Yellow Trailer
16. Harvest Moon: Skytree Village Launch Trailer
17. Super Mario World Trailer
18. Kirby Fighters Deluxe Trailer
19. Pokemon Rumble World Trailer
20. More Ultra Beasts Debut – Pokemon Sun/Moon
Source: 3DS eShop
If you intend to pick up Super Mario Maker for 3DS on Friday, you may want to grab the game’s first update from the eShop. Indeed: version 1.01 is already live. So long as you have 158 blocks (19.75 MB) of free space available, you should be able to download it.
Super Mario Maker for 3DS version 1.01 isn’t a minor update. In fact, you’ll need it in order to access the Course World. Without it, you won’t be able to play the Recommended Courses or 100 Mario Challenge modes.
Thanks to jikes10 for the tip.
Update: The Meloetta distribution has now started in North America.
Original: Those in Europe can now partake in the latest distribution for Pokemon X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire. Meloetta can be downloaded through December 24. Visit the Mystery Gift section, then Receive Gift, and finally “Get Via Internet” to obtain Meloetta.
The distribution is also coming to North America soon. It’s expected to go live later today, so we’ll let you know when that happens.
In January, Nintendo and McDonald’s will be extending its partnership for Happy Meals in Japan. A new set of Mario toys will begin to appear starting on January 6.
In the toys, there are gimmicks that reenact the character movements and in-game sounds. Mario has a button that if pressed will move his hands up and down. Yoshi’s back shell can be pushed to move its tongue forward. Peach will spin if she is dragged. Finally, the 1-Up Mushroom will make the related sound effect when pushed.
We heard about the latest plans between Nintendo and McDonald’s in the UK earlier this week, which is beginning at around a similar time.
Continue on below for better photos of the new toys and names for each.
Bandai Namco has finally revealed that Empoleon is making its way to the arcade version of Pokken Tournament. The character is due to be added on December 15.
A number of new Pokemon have joined Pokken Tournament over the past few months. Darkrai, Scizor, Croagunk were all added since July, though only in arcades. It remains to be seen whether the Wii U version of Pokken Tournament will be updated with these characters.
Note that Empoleon was not shown during a Niconico stream, so footage is currently unavailable. If any streams or gameplay pops up, we’ll bring that to you.
Nintendo is getting into the holiday spirit with a new 3DS theme. Those in Japan can now download the “Mario Winter Wonderland” design for their home menu.
Here’s a look at the theme:
Today’s new theme costs 200 yen. It’s not available in the west yet, but that should be changing very soon.