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Style Savvy is coming to the Wii U Virtual Console tomorrow. On the 3DS side of things – specifically New 3DS – we’ll be getting Super Punch-Out!! via the eShop.

Nintendo’s website provides the following overview:

Featuring the tight game play and humor the series is known for, this sequel to the NES classic sees Little Mac return to the ring with the World Video Boxing Association belt once again at stake. Slug your way through the grueling, sweat-pounding matches of the Minor, Major, and World Circuits as you face off against some of Little Mac’s greatest rivals like Bear Hugger, Bald Bull, and Super Macho Man. With a cast of new challengers waiting, do you have what it takes to identify their unique patterns and exploit their weaknesses? Go to your corner and come out fighting, but remember what Doc Louis would say, “It’s not about brawling—it’s about finesse!”

Pricing for Super Punch-Out!! is set at $7.99.


Footage from the English version of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE continues to pour in. Find two more gameplay videos below.

Polygon has put up the latest video in its “Devs Make Mario” series. In today’s feature, Threes creator Asher Vollmer makes a level in the game. View it below.

Vollmer’s Super Mario Maker level is located on the official bookmark site here.

The Bravely Second Collector’s Edition is back in stock again over on Amazon. To order a copy, head on over to the product page here. We’ll keep tabs on the page and will update this post if it sells out.

This week’s North American Wii U Virtual Console title is a bit of an unexpected one. Tomorrow, the original Style Savvy will be out on the eShop.

Here’s the overview from Nintendo’s website:

Show off your style as the owner of a chic boutique! Dream up dazzling outfits and for yourself and your customers. Purchase inventory to stock up your store and monitor your shopping budget. Extend your fashion makeover by visiting the hair salon and the cosmetics store. The possibilities are endless!

Style Savvy on the Wii U Virtual Console will cost $9.99.


Update 2: Super Punch-Out!! confirmed for the New 3DS Virtual Console.

Update: Style Savvy is now confirmed for the Wii U Virtual Console.

Nintendo’s website has been updated with a number of games heading to the North American Wii U and 3DS eShops tomorrow.

Here’s what’s on top thus far:

Wii U

The Beggar’s Ride – $5.99
Escape From Flare Industries – $3.99
Midnight 2 – $1.99
PixelMaker – $2.99
SpaceRoads – $9.99
Sudoku and Permudoku – $0.99


Pocket Card Jockey – ?

Of course, other games may end up on the eShop tomorrow (like possibly Virtual Console titles, which we’ll hear about today or tomorrow). The full Nintendo Download report will also have news about 3DS themes, eShop sales, and more.

Nintendo’s gone ahead and uploaded its second Star Fox Zero commercial of the day. This one features Peppy in a bit of a comedic scenario. Check out the video below.

Another round of footage is in for Super Meat Boy on Wii U. The platformer will be out on the eShop starting next Thursday.

Here’s the latest gameplay:

Pocket Card Jockey is arriving on the 3DS eShop in both North America and Europe tomorrow. Polygon now has 24 minutes of footage available of the download – see below.

Tadpole Treble should be up on the Wii U eShop by the end of spring. Some footage from the final game is starting to come in, starting with the 17-minute video below.

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