Aban Hawkins from 1001 Spikes seems to be coming to Blade Strangers as DLC
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
It seems like Blade Strangers, the crossover fighting game from Nicalis, is getting at least one new character as DLC. Nicalis posted the screenshot you see above on Twitter, alongside the text “Aban performs a perfectly timed Counter vs Curly in #CrystalCri–wait, what!?! This isn’t #CrystalCrisis!”.
Aban (Hawkins) from 1001 Spikes is one of the characters in the picture, however the game shown isn’t Crystal Crisis, a crossover puzzle game in which Aban is confirmed to appear, but Blade Strangers, where he isn’t playable yet. This seems to indicate that Aban will be added to Blade Strangers as DLC; it’s unclear whether this’ll be paid or free DLC.
More: 1001 Spikes, Blade Strangers, Crystal Crisis, Nicalis
Hydra confirmed for Switch, first 1001 Spikes and Cave Story footage on the system
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop, Videos | 2 Comments
It was assumed that Nicalis was teasing Hydra (or Hydra Castle Labyrinth) for Switch last month after the company tweeted out an image of the game on the system’s home screen. Now that’s been officially confirmed.
Nicalis’ Tyrone Rodriguez showed Hydra running on Switch during a Polygon live stream yesterday. Additionally, the first gameplay of 1001 Spikes and Cave Story debuted as well. Check out the recording below.
More: 1001 Spikes, Cave Story, Hydra, Nicalis, top
Nicalis bringing Cave Story, 1001 Spikes to Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 37 Comments
Nicalis has revealed plans to bring another two games to Switch. At some point in the future, we’ll be seeing both Cave Story and 1001 Spikes.
Nicalis previously announced The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ and Redout for Switch.
More: 1001 Spikes, Cave Story, Nicalis, top
Latest 1001 Spikes Wii U patch causing some notable issues
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 6 Comments
1001 Spikes finally received off-TV play support on Wii U through an update that came out a few days ago. While the feature is a great addition, the patch has unfortunately resulted in a few major issues.
The biggest problem we’re hearing about is related to controls. After applying the update, right on the d-pad crouches and pressing the left stick pauses the game instead of start. Basically, there are some notable control mapping issues. There are also other problems like being unable to access the options settings.
It took Nicalis a very long time to patch in off-TV play for 1001 Spikes. I just hope that it won’t take as long for these new bugs to be addressed!
More: 1001 Spikes, Nicalis
1001 Spikes update adds off-TV play
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
1001 Spikes has received a new patch on Wii U, and it adds a much-requested feature. Once downloaded, you should be able to experience the game via off-TV play. We’re not sure if the patch contains any other features or addresses bugs, but the update is an unexpected surprise in any case!
More: 1001 Spikes, Nicalis, title update
1001 Spikes will get off-TV play support through upcoming patch
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
Nicalis is finishing up a patch for 1001 Spikes that will add off-TV play to the game’s Wii U version. It’s unclear when exactly the update will be ready, but it should be submitted to Nintendo of America next month.
Nicalis’ Tyrone Rodriguez wrote on Twitter earlier this week:
1001 Spikes and the Wii U gamepad work great. More testing and ready to submit next month to NOA. pic.twitter.com/0IALd4aCJc
— Tyrone Rodriguez (@tyronerodriguez) March 24, 2015
More: 1001 Spikes, Nicalis, title update
Update will bring off-TV play to 1001 Spikes
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
Wii U 1001 Spikes off-screen play currently in progress for an upcoming free update. Because YOU asked for it! pic.twitter.com/QW7rgDQM8N
— Nicalis, Inc. (@nicalis) June 13, 2014
More: 1001 Spikes, Nicalis, title update
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 96!
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 1 Comment
ON THIS EPISODE: A great round of what we played this week! Much more talk about Mario Kart 8 to kick things off, Laura and Austin discuss the strange world of Tomodachi Life, and Jack and Austin praise 1001 Spikes! It’s a good thing.
PLUS: We talk about some brief E3 predictions, and halfway through we decide to start marking down our YES/NO predictions in order to check them next week and see how we did.
AND: Listener mail rounds out the day, as usual. We talk about how to review games (as usual), some E3 stuff, and whether or not you can use your 3DS in a sauna.
This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Jack, and Laura
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