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We’ve already reported on the news that the next Skylanders game will feature vehicles thanks to some leaks, and now we’ve got some more evidence backing that up.

A couple of weeks ago, American motorsports competitor Travis Pastrana reportedly wrote the following Instagram post: “Was filming some cool stuff for a new Activision game called Skylanders Superchargers this weekend”. The post has since been deleted. Makes sense that a motorsports star would be involved with a game featuring vehicles, right?

While it’s obviously not an official confirmation yet, it does seem pretty likely that the next Skylanders game will feature vehicles of some kind.

Source Via

A new Skylanders game is coming at some point this year. Much of the project has been shrouded in mystery, but the company did say back in February that it will be “innovative”. While Activision has been keeping quiet for the most part, we appear to have an important detail about what’s new in the latest Skylanders entry.

Liam Robertson, who tends to be in the know when it comes to cancelled games and titles that are in development, wrote on Twitter today that this year’s Sklanders will feature vehicles. Robertson also said that the game is planned for all major gaming platforms, which should (unsurprisingly) include Wii U.

Activision has typically announced its Skylanders games in the spring, but this one still hasn’t been officially revealed. Perhaps we’ll hear something at E3?


Activision has confirmed a new more tracks for Guitar Hero Live. Players will be able to experience the following songs:

Royal Blood “Little Monster”
Marilyn Manson “Disposable Teens”
Killswitch Engage “In Due Time”
Marmozets “Move Shake Hide”
Of Mice & Men “Bones Exposed”
Deftones “Diamond Eyes”
Vista Chino “Sweet Remain”
Bring Me the Horizon “Shadow Moses”
Mastodon “High Road”
Trivium “Strife”

The initial Guitar Hero Live set list was announced last week. For those that missed it, you can check it out right here.

Source: Activision PR

Activision and FreeStyle Games will be updating Guitar Hero Live with plenty of new songs after launch. However, the game will feature an initial set list, which has now been shared by Rolling Stone.

On release day, the following songs will be available in Guitar Hero Live:

The Black Keys – “Gold on the Ceiling”
Blitz Kids – “Sometimes”
Ed Sheeran – “Sing”
Fall Out Boy – “My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)”
Gary Clark, Jr. – “Don’t Owe You a Thang”
Green Day – “Nuclear Family”
The Killers – “When You Were Young”
The Lumineers – “Ho Hey”
My Chemical Romance – “Na Na Na”
Pierce the Veil – “King for a Day (feat. Kellin Quinn)”
The Rolling Stones – “Paint it Black”
Skrillex – “Bangarang”
The War on Drugs – “Under the Pressure”
Black Veil Brides – “In The End”
Rage Against the Machine – “Guerrilla Radio”
Judas Priest – “Breaking the Law”
Pantera – “Cowboys From Hell”
Sleigh Bells – “Bitter Rivals”
System of a Down – “Chop Suey!”
Alter Bridge – “Cry of Achilles”
Alt-J – “Left Hand Free”
Broken Bells – “Leave It Alone”
Red Hot Chili Peppers – “Higher Ground”
The Pretty Reckless – “Going to Hell”

Guitar Hero Live will launch on Wii U this fall.


Guitar Hero Live’s first wave of songs have been confirmed through the game’s Facebook page. The soundtrack will be comprised of Top 40 songs including Ed Sheeran’s “Sing” and “Little Talks” by Of Monsters and Men, “Don’t Owe You a Thang” by Gary Clark Jr., “Cry of Achilles” by Alter Bridge, and more.

The full first ten songs are listed in the image below. Those who are interested in any of the music can have a listen by checking out the following Spotify playlist:


Update 2: Perhaps there’s a tiny bit of hope after all? It’s not too much to go on, but take a look at this excerpt from a Eurogamer article:

“We’re working on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. That’s it,” he (Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia) added. As for other platforms such as PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and – stop smirking at the back – Wii U? We were directed to Activision, which said it had no further platform announcements at this time.

Lamia didn’t explicitly say that Black Ops III isn’t in the works for Wii U. With Nintendo versions, Activision has announced those after the initial Call of Duty reveals. But we’ve never seen a case in which PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U versions were confirmed at a later date. Is that’s what’s going to happen this time around? I really have no clue anymore. It won’t be fun if we’re waiting months to find out if a Wii U version is/isn’t happening!

Update from Brian (4/26): Bumping this to the top. I don’t usually like talking about “x game not coming to Wii U” unless a developer explains/comments on the situation, so I’ll leave this here instead.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III was speculated as possibly coming to Wii U, but it seems as though it won’t be happening. The official website says that it’s only for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

In a strange turn of events, despite Wii U seemingly being dropped from Call of Duty support, Nintendo Network IDs have shown up at for you to link your profile with.

It’s interesting to note that with the recent announcement of Black Ops III, and the fact it’s Treyarch’s turn to develop this year’s title – who’s also responsible for every Call of Duty to make it to the Wii U – this leads to speculation that we could possibly be seeing Black Ops III make an appearance on Nintendo’s console despite missing 2014’s Advanced Warfare by Sledgehammer Games.

A couple of months back, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was seen briefly in Target’s database for Wii U, and though it’s not out of the question that the Wii U could be getting it this year instead of Black Ops III considering Treyarch handled the Ghosts port from Infinity Ward, it would also be impractical to have Treyarch working on two games simultaneously, not to mention marketing an older title when the interest has quickly passed would be a tough thing to sell (looking at you, Watch Dogs).

cod ly now

What do you make of this? Would you like to see Black Ops III make it to the Wii U this year? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!



Activision has prepared a new behind the scenes trailer for Guitar Hero Live. Watch it below.

Last week, Activision finally announced the next entry in the Guitar Hero franchise titled “Guitar Hero Live”. If you’re interested in learning more about the game, check out the comprehensive fact sheet below. There are plenty of details for the uninformed!

Polygon was recently given an opportunity to go hands-on with Guitar Hero Live, and published an extensive report about the game. We’ve rounded up a ton of details below, though you can find the full article here.

– Fist-person perspective live-action video
– Always online music
– Game comes with one guitar
– In development for about 3 years

“Guitar Hero created this pop culture phenomenon. Really, I would argue, it was one of the first titles to transcend our entire category and become this household name. But it’s been a while. It’s been five years since the last release. There’s so much emotion and passion around the Guitar Hero brand at the company. It’s something we always intended to bring back, when we had that legit innovation that would transform the way you play the game in a fundamental way. It’s taken until now to have that. FreeStyle delivered that vision. I believe this truly is the reinvention of Guitar Hero.” – Tyler Michaud, senior director of product management at Activision

“We always knew, like Tyler said, if we ever brought Guitar Hero back it had to be because we came up with some great innovation and made some big changes. The way we started it, we took it right to its core, its base. We said, what was it about Guitar Hero that was so cool in the first place? Why did it become the game it became?” – Jamie Jackson, creative director and studio head at FreeStyleGames

– The team was examining the game and plastic controller, and felt they could make mastering the game easier/deeper with a more prolonged experience
– The new guitar keeps the whammy bar and strummer of the original
– This version shifts all of the buttons to the top of the neck
– Controller has 6 buttons in 2 rows of 3

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